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look :024:
Divide the 12 balls into 4 groups of 3's.. t% ^( g8 \# o/ z3 a
Weigh group 1 & 2公仔箱論壇, ~1 a/ i$ R; m4 n9 m4 a6 N
then weigh group 2 & 3, r0 R( X* @* |) c: r# D$ [# Q
If the results are Equal & Equal, it means the ball with the different weight is in group 4.5 V9 O4 P' p+ ^$ {
If the results are Equal & Unequal, it means the ball is in group 3.
$ K5 o6 {  ?8 K: A公仔箱論壇If the results are Unequal & Equal, it means the ball is in group 1.
2 w' U, R! B  N( f5.39.217.77If the results are Unequal & Unequal, it means the ball is in group 2.
5 T  J( ^7 \  v' \. w  V/ J公仔箱論壇
! t4 L7 A* R( x. @( X( O  D5.39.217.77Once you determine the group that contains the ball.
3 D5 k+ d( s" l- N5 r1 a* HSimply weigh two of the balls
:019: :019: 怎样哦....
答案﹕記住有個波唔同重量,但從來無講過係重左定輕左。先將12個波分3組A,B,C每組4個,將A,B拿去稱,如果A=B THEN [CASE 1], 否則 [CASE 2]
[CASE 1]
2 X0 j" o1 s( x% |個異重波係C組,即其他A,B組都係正常波,好易搞,將C組其中兩個波同兩個正常波稱,如果重量不同,即所拿去稱的C組兩個波中有異重波,如果相同重量即 C組餘下兩個波中有異重波,再將兩個含異重波的其中一個同一個正常波稱,如果重量不同即拿去稱的就是異重波,如果相同重量即餘下未稱的一個C組波就是異重波。
[CASE 2]8 g% z1 x9 g% w0 F
重D果邊叫A組,輕 D果邊叫B組,為方便稱呼,將A組編為A1,A2,A3,A4,B組編為B5,B6,B7,B8,而頭先C組果4個則是正常波。A組重過B組,即異重波可能是在A組[較正常波重]或在B組[較正常波輕],將A1,B5加一個正常波同A2,B6,B7稱,A3,A4,B8放埋一邊。結果有以下三個﹕
1) 如果A1,B5加一個正常波果邊重D,即異重波可能是A1[較正常波重]或B6,B7[較正常波輕],因為只有佢地同第一次稱果時比係未調過位,咁再將B6同B7稱多一次,邊個輕左邊個就係異重波,如果一樣重咁A1就係異重波;
2) 如果係A2,B6,B7果邊重D,即異重波可能是A2[較正常波重]或B5[較正常波輕],因為佢地同第一次稱果時比調左位就即係改變左天秤重量的方向,咁將A2同一個正常波稱,如果A2重左咁佢就係異重波,否則B5就係異重波;