原帖由 h2o 於 2007-5-24 06:56 PM 發表。 , G5 A& N+ S) z5 B
梗係miss啦 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ y: S% a* n8 ^/ Y! L; v( e
咁耐冇post歌&冇去"TVBNOW吹水家庭"吹水 ( C5 y+ P# H, F& g; htvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! h% {2 {* V( [) t7 |3 i: t5 A
ayiaa i've been really busy w/sku ar..but da good thing is tat i only hav 9 dayz left!!!! 公仔箱論壇6 h# ^, x6 l9 B0 ?) d
but like lately i've just been bombarded by HWs n tests..like rite now i'm workin on tis big econ project tat'll count as pretty much my whole grd 4 tis gradin period..so i needa do good on it...n i'm not even half way done yet><
5 S. ^( K3 \2 M8 Q3 ]) O0 R9 ]n i hav like 3 2 tests tmr..then next week i hav my econ final n then lotz more finals comin><
3 a+ n& U# w/ k( k- e( h6 S5.39.217.77sigh...i luv the end of sku yr but then alwaz soo stressful...
], {/ ?3 X: v( k5 p$ H( _+ `tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb t8 t# ]5 b5 p5 A0 C
u lei how hav u been ar??? |