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Person who write this script dint do research at all. Our local Chinese, normally no speak Malay in front Chinese. We normally use English, mandarin and hockien. We may use bahasa malaysia only when we meet some malay ppl.
我看了这套剧时,真的很奇怪,华侨说马来话,听得我很不习惯,就如很多朋友都说了,华侨对华侨是不会说马来文。除非有一方从来没有受过中文教育,只会英文货马来语,然后另一方不会英文,只会mandarin or cantonese,那他们只好用马来语来沟通了,我身边就看过一个和华人顾客说马来语。 再说,同一天由槟城到吉隆坡再道回槟城,那些 “游客”和司机肯定累死了。
陈展鹏讲马来话公仔箱論壇: Z# M8 u: T* ~  j1 l& h/ e& B$ a
Interesting! f6 v4 B3 R" l$ P( `5 ~' W
TVB 真係... 吾好以為人地吾知佢求其先得架....以前讀書時,看 "法證先鋒", 已經笑死化學科老師了~
The scene where two Chinese ladies are arguing in Malay, it's kind of awkward. Because Chinese normally don't communicate in Malay among themselves. Either Chinese dialect  or English if either one of them doesn't know any Chinese dialect.
Oh come on, at 4th episode, the lady bang into 展鹏's room. and tried to seduce him in Malay language. That is so AWKWARD. The language that they spoke was too formal, as if they were reading from text. Not like this. Try to use Cantonese, that would make everything looks nicer. Malaysian Chinese doesn't speak Malay whenever it's unnecessary.


  • devil2007

May be the director try to bring some fresh to Hong Kong audience in comedy so he bring in the Malay dialogue. Normally Chinese communicate each other is in Mandarin or Cantonese and Hokien in Penang
無線要求, 是是但但
I am half chinese and half Malaysian, lived in Penang and Sydney. This drama is a joke. ie: Sky Gor speaks like a Honkie, not Malaysian at all, so NOT convincing. Hotel owner daughter was from Malayia so OK lar. The rest just ridiculous. Like her Uncle. Un-Kle !!! my god