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回復 #90 jwxie518 的帖子

I think Im going to fail art, or math.... cuz I didnt finish my dress iin art class and I do bad in math test

回復 #91 C..C 的帖子

# S: Y2 j0 N8 H! dwell, then you have to go to summer school - -

回復 #92 jwxie518 的帖子

I dont want to is boring... I went there once:onion31:

回復 #93 C..C 的帖子

lol5.39.217.77:88988 C( a! Q5 b, V2 |- I. W$ B
+ ?% ^/ S! ?" s3 k7 [! x
girl got to study tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) {; m6 m1 K1 G* c' {
math a is simple math5.39.217.77:8898$ v0 G5 @% V9 [
you are major in accounting lol

回復 #94 jwxie518 的帖子

I know the regent was so easy... I spend like less than a hr to finish all8 ]) l" w+ {; H2 q, o  d5 b' l
but donno y I dont have mood to do good on the test in class XP:019:

回復 #95 C..C 的帖子

  lazy girl

回復 #96 jwxie518 的帖子

Im not lazy >< maybe a lil bit; S  I' [: b6 x# h' m
but the point is... is.... Im not lazy ( I donno)

回復 #97 C..C 的帖子

tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* b$ O1 P* t' g1 P/ s: M! v
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; Z7 U9 z# X& p3 |
你地住係brky  買野好難嗎
, ?% S& U; |, A- r; P2 TTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。我住係Queens, 可以好快去到flushing, queens mall, mahanthan同埋china town

回復 #98 jwxie518 的帖子

it takes like haf -45 mins to go to china town by train...
7 J, a9 I9 ^# K) F% [2 G8 l6 z5.39.217.77:8898 1hr more to flushing by driving I think =T . R  K# F+ B* Q( N, w2 H! T4 l
i thought Queens is far far away from mahanthan tim...
oh serious?
+ e9 t3 t- d% H公仔箱論壇it took me an hr  and 20 minsjust to get to 8ave. O9 ^/ e7 P3 v% ? D' ]1 k5 r. l" k
- -

回復 #100 jwxie518 的帖子

ha ha take me 5-10 mins to get to 8ave

回復 #102 jwxie518 的帖子

wat yu taking??????  Im taking bio tmr ~~

回復 #103 C..C 的帖子

me artvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ l" L7 e4 p9 g/ O& R8 E
i have physic

回復 #104 jwxie518 的帖子

how come yu so smart ni?!?!?!?!:onion03:
8 |# i& ?1 z5 ~8 Y, }, ]and Im still taking bio, I shouldnt tell yu wat Im taking:019: