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I am so hurt
blueocean 發表於 2012-12-21 08:09 AM
don't cry~~ it's okay
the other people "might" love you~~ XD
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
end of the world
I love you guys
blueocean 發表於 2012-12-21 07:55 AM
wa u finally show up la
even if it end of the world we still need to eat n sleep
tim tim cum back la
how s ur final
tim tim cum back la
how s ur final
1739jay 發表於 2012-12-21 03:54 PM
idk... should be ok ba.... just okay
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
about the 新年活動, any idea??? or just like the last year one?
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
Ha I duno wor
last yr also nvr play so = no idea
haha, my old post got deleted, can't copy and paste the things timXD
something like that... keep that simply~~ haha, don't even want to THINK ANYTHING after finals
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
yes ar thats easy wor
every1 will get ?
or got limit ga?
then I know I want mystery stone
yes ar thats easy wor
every1 will get ?
or got limit ga?
then I know I want mystery stone
1739jay 發表於 2012-12-22 01:38 AM
yes, everyone gets something..... maybe not what they wanted most... but... just something extra~~ haha...
you have 1000 luck!!! you need no more!!!!
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
ai ya 1000 not enough la
they still dun drop things I 1 ga
I got more luck = more good stuff
thn whn u need u also can take wor
better thn buying them right
ai ya 1000 not enough la
they still dun drop things I 1 ga
I got more luck = more good stuff
thn whn u need u also can take wor
better thn buying them right
1739jay 發表於 2012-12-22 02:23 AM
you win今日過冬,大家食左湯圓未
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
here over jo la
yesterday eat jo la
I win jo is it = wish granted
oh, haha... different time zone....
nope~~ you will still have to follow the "rule"~~ comment on that post~~ haha
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
CC517 發表於 2012-12-22 10:34 AM
morning~~ cat jie~~ haha
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(