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hi 請問你仲收唔收人?
o0月 發表於 2012-12-8 05:05 PM
always welcome :)
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
hi:3 我隻寵物名叫歐巴桑 1轉/200lv
can i speak in english(or chinese english?? haha)
寵物家族 -->> 兄弟幫寵物家族--> then you should be able to find the way to join our family....
shame on me-.-' forgot how to join a family-.-'
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
o0月        雙倍攻擊卡        2        2012-12-08 17:47:21
o0月        三倍金錢卡        2        2012-12-08 17:47:13
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
現在申請中 xdd
已經批左(on iPhone, haha)

o0月        王者之劍        1        2012-12-08 18:15:57

唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
jay go jo sleep la haha
some more I canot approve wor
only u can ja but other then that I can help in most of the thing
think so... but thats not cheating-.-' PLUS... i don't remember anyone told me not to use exp card
ndctim 發表於 2012-12-8 04:38 PM
ai ya I nvr use card bcoz I m poor la
n that bubu nvr give me card lorat that time
ai ya I nvr use card bcoz I m poor la
n that bubu nvr give me card lorat that time
1739jay 發表於 2012-12-8 07:52 PM
Really??! I totally forgot those stuff-.-"
Haha, guess bubu treated me pretty well~ ok, now I won't give out too many exp card to low lv/turns player;)
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
now is easy to reach lv 10 within hrs I think
coz there is 師徒 if they just find a high lv player
not like b4 we climb for wks to reach there n some more the mamap was .....aii...
now is easy to reach lv 10 within hrs I think
coz there is 師徒 if they just find a high lv player
not like b4 we climb for wks to reach there n some more the mamap was .....aii...
1739jay 發表於 2012-12-9 08:21 AM
Haha, good and bad~~ not as boring I guess, but lost the chance to earn the lucky points:/
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
whn there is lots of player to compete that fun
bubu was always there to help the gift was awesome for lv up
is nothing compare to now haha n u remember the 股票 game
that was fun n now is s so quiet here lets hope new players will increase n players we know will cum back
agree~~it's fun when there's lots of people...and i actually feel good that there's a person joined our family... first time for the last 2years~ haha... hope it can go back to the old time~~ have time together:)

actually i kind of miss the 股票 game... haha
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
me 2 that game is fun
especially whn we need to buy in alot n whn time we need to throw all within hrs haha really miss it is a game that u really need lot of friends to take control haha
need to kill 7 to increase only 1 %