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sorry all wrong, its 100 + 25 sales =125
100 才是,
如果張銀紙是真的,你能否話捐失$75 + $25 ?????! t" v/ t, p) W3 p8 O
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 C2 ~- j/ I0 l. Z) I
不能吧. 不見一百元才真.
aiyo....is 200 la....nonit argue la

回復 #15 puiming 的帖子

r u calculating opportunity cost or actual loss?% r# l* w: }& n$ ?4 ~
It should be $100.00 lost, please play the money game with your kid, then you will found the answer!!!!!!!!!!!!
no need to argue lah...公仔箱論壇( X/ y. \, X3 Z, S
already said tat tis qn got 85% of ppl will answer wrongly liao
2 h, w2 e; p" F* @, c3 W+ k公仔箱論壇so if u got the correct answer... congratz u belong to the 15% intelectual grp
! X# E$ V9 e7 U! N4 \, s5 [those who din get the correct answer... i m regret to say tat u belong to 85% normal ppl
0 G4 |8 y& u' ?1 w* }but if u got the wrong n insist tat u r rite... i can oni say tat u belong to the X% stubborn & normal ppl...: q1 x8 A. A1 T# W
:onion14: :onion14: :onion14:
原帖由 zactlion1899 於 2007-10-11 02:13 PM 發表 ! T# O9 o7 y3 Q6 }3 c7 E# n8 {) C2 z( z
數學題一條 (85%人都答 錯架)
. ?# u- t) F' m5 N8 I  r9 h  ytvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
% e6 E1 ?" J& f& G6 K5 e1 x- \一人拿一張百元鈔票到商店買了25元的東西,店主由於手頭沒有零錢,便拿這張百 5 P4 E. b& [, @. w7 T% W
元鈔票到隔壁的小攤販那裡換了100元零錢,並找了那人75元零錢。那人拿著25元的tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, [" @/ Z% }" l3 Z' N) p  \( w
東西和75元零錢走了。過了一會兒,隔壁小攤販找到店主,說剛才店主拿來換零錢的百- _5 R4 B+ w" M6 l4 C7 w
; J: f0 O8 s. l+ btvb now,tvbnow,bttvb店主只好又拿了一張真的百元鈔票給小攤 在整個過程中,店主一共虧了多少錢財?公仔箱論壇  G) w3 F9 {2 e

8 F. M* c8 O5 l( M& e  v5.39.217.77:8898$200 個人拿去75元和25元東西=$100,後來又給隔壁小攤販$100,總數$200
1 J. i* }2 q2 F
8 ]4 \( j; z8 q8 d; W( }3 L: H+ Ktvb now,tvbnow,bttvb樓主的答案....... G, x+ u0 n* O9 Y
應是$175 + 店主的東西(標價$25)! }1 S  v* R& ~2 X6 u% E5 h9 a

- Y5 W/ @  ~* b註:店主的東西(標價$25) 可能其價值>$25 / <$25 不能用標價當作真的損失