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日本車好定歐洲車好?點解呢 ?

日本車好定歐洲車好?點解呢 ?



但係歐洲車行出o黎就高級過日本車 !
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Based on US Consumer Report,  Jap car are more reliable, cheaper of course.  European cars are known for better handling but also have more problems. If you want a bigger bang of your buck, buy a Jap
depend on the purpose you buy the car and which country you are in.

European car are more luxury and sometime more safety
jap car are more reliable and cost friendly.....
Japanese cars is the way to go
for me i will like jap's car more....since they r cheaper and u can change alot of parts on it....you can always make big changes on jap's car...but euro's car...aint like that...i guess

anyways if one day i need to choose i will still choose a jap's car

EK FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!^:)^
其實有好多人都唔解o左 歐洲車一定高級過日本車
問題係好多人都唔知要同級對比 , such as bmw 328 比 camry,

bmw 330 同 lexus IS350 , 直路 0-100 is350比較快 , s 彎上 bmw 比較好handling , 價錢都係差不多 market 上定位都係差不多 , interior 用o既material ... bmw 係比較差 , 可以話係次一級, o甘點解? 因為本身有一大班fans , 用乜物料都有大把人買 o甘點解唔earn 多d 錢.  到最後邊個高級d... 自己想吓, 我就睇唔到 lee 個case 歐洲車高級d

又好似 vw passat o甘 同 camry or accord , 價錢好似passat 貴d ... o甘係唔係高級d 就要睇吓 個對比 , 新passat 係有 Bi-xenon headlamps , camry 冇 , signal mirror camry 唔係 standard 要比錢至有 , rain-sensing 都係standard , tire pressure monitoring system 都係standard, 仲有好多野都set o左係standard o甘自然價錢會貴d, 同樣日本車有整同級 設備 其實價錢都係差唔多

repair 上只係 雙田 特別比較平 之外 (因為有台灣貨) 其實價錢係差唔多 , 如果用原裝日本parts 好多時仲貴過 歐洲車

唔好只講新車 , 睇吓used cars
安全上 唔好以為歐洲車一定安全 , 1997 bmw 3 series 安全上比 不上 1998 camry
camry 有 4星, 而3series 只係得1.5星 (唔合格)

crashing test 3series link

crash test camry link

當然新車bmw 改o左好多

好少平價歐洲車會入香港 , 所以market 上只係得 設備整全o既 歐洲車 例如 手動window o既bmw, 日本車就多入中間位價o既車 , market 同乜品牌  就入乜車 (行貨) , 好多時係日本唔賣得 就出口去香港

其實好難只比較 歐洲車 同 日本車 , 唔同級比唔同車 , 只可以話 最高級 o既車 大多數係 歐洲車 好似 rolls-royse, bently lee d 車 .
仲有一樣野係 高級 同 貴係要分別睇 , 貴唔代表 高級 , 貴一樣可以比d 好差 d 料去做, 高級 通常比較貴
thx for sharing !!~
原帖由 rickyutk 於 2007-8-11 03:41 AM 發表
其實有好多人都唔解o左 歐洲車一定高級過日本車
問題係好多人都唔知要同級對比 , such as bmw 328 比 camry,

bmw 330 同 lexus IS350 , 直路 0-100 is350比較快 , s 彎上 bmw 比較好handling , 價錢都係差不多 mark ...
good comparison and good points, i m like newbie now ,

it really depends on the car itself, not just from whether it was made from Europe or Japan
If you want safety, SUBARU, rally car FTW
if you want reliable and handling, HONDA, or TOYOTA
....i think i lean towards Japanese car :014:

just do some research yourself b4 buy a car you like
sometimes it might supprise you
as i have just read on some US consumer report about new camry, and v8 thundra ( or tacoma?) is not as reliable as they used to..

回復 #11 rickyutk 的帖子

good point thanks