The Fall is a British crime-drama series created by Allan Cubitt. The series stars Gillian Anderson as Stella Gibson, a senior police officer investigating a string of murders in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The Fall is being produced by Artists Studio and premiered in Ireland on RTÉ One at 9.30pm on May 12th 2013, and in the UK on BBC Two at 9pm on May 13th, 2013.[1]
《The Fall》是 Prime Suspect 的作者 Allan Cubitt 撰寫一個關於 Belfast 連環殺手的故事
Gillian Anderson 飾演的角色 Stella Gibson 負責抓住這個連環殺手的警探
Archie Panjabi 飾演的是配合辦案的病理學家
Stella Gibson - Gillian Anderson (最近作品:Great Expectations)
Paula Reed Smith - Archie Panjabi (最近作品:The Good Wife)
Paul Spector - Jamie Dornan (最近作品:Once Upon a Time, Shadows in the Sun)
Sally-Ann Spector - Bronagh Waugh (最近作品:Hollyoaks)
Danielle Ferrington - Niamh McGrady (最近作品:Upstairs Downstairs, Holby City)
Kevin McSwain - Gerard McCarthy (最近作品:Hollyoaks)
Jim Burns - John Lynch (最近作品:The Jury II)
Jerry McIlroy - Simon Delaney (最近作品:Roy)