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看了车VS爱华顿的比赛 我感觉车就象支垃圾球队 TMD 真是一点血性也没有 10人应战以后竟是如此的被动从换人上看到斯科拉里早早就开始求和 想起穆帅时期即使是10人也能控制局面也要力争胜利 切尔西现在给人的感觉是软骨头 没什么可说的了---斯科拉里滚回巴西耕田吧
realli feable for scholari......

I realli cant see again..... previously chelsea..... so strong and good faith in themselves...

Nwadays chelsea like chicken... so weak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Coward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I support chelsea due to they are confidence, strong mentality, never give up... yet.... i cant see these characteristic anymore in them.....

Where is my previous chelsea...............