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[冷知識分享] 踢爆"女性子宮能忠實紀錄..."的偽科學

( x* B6 p/ W' v, B8 O& z6 vTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
5 m4 v$ S9 G/ F6 L( w5.39.217.77:8898
1 @2 D2 S. A* C) I公仔箱論壇
8 d, ]# {& B. Q! O5 \2 t& OTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。2 n5 M% C) L% `. S0 K- S5 J! N' t5 j

) H: q/ F, k  ]4 [  Telegony is a theory in heredity, now discredited but widely believeduntil the late 19th century, holding that offspring can inherit thecharacteristics of a previous mate of one or both parents.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) S; f# R1 l9 X% A
1 g, N7 B9 I7 X/ }: U" C3 w5.39.217.77:8898   The most widely cited example was Lord Morton’s Mare, cited byCharles Darwin. Lord Morton bred a white mare with a zebra stallion,and when he later bred the same mare with a white stallion, theoffspring strangely had stripes in the legs.
* g0 S) ^7 X! V; ]2 |+ d; L5.39.217.77:8898  被引用最多的例子來自Lord Morton的母馬,被達爾文引證。Lord Morton把一匹白色母馬和一匹種斑馬交配,而後他又將同樣一匹母馬與一匹白色種馬交配,它們的後代奇怪地在四條腿上帶有條紋。
2 ~6 Q+ O. g0 S5 ?; e   Although August Weismann had expressed doubts about the theoryearlier, it did not fall out of scientific favor until the 1890s, whena series of experiments by James Cossar Ewart in Scotland and otherresearchers in Germany and Brazil failed to find any evidence of thephenomenon. The result obtained by Morton could probably be caused bythe display in the offspring of the recessive genes inherited by theMorton's mare from her parents/grandparents.
% F$ F$ X( l3 t7 Q1 R  雖然August Weismann早先對這個理論表示懷疑,但直到19世紀90年代,這理論仍然獲得科學上的支持,直到 JamesCossar Ewart in Scotland及其他一系列研究者在德國和巴西所做的一系列實驗都未發現有關現象的證據。Morton所觀察到的現象可以被解釋為後代從它的父母/祖父母身上繼承了隱性基因,並表現出性狀。公仔箱論壇* o0 ~+ X6 b+ F% d8 A1 q6 ?2 W& L
  In mammals, each sperm has the haploid set of chromosomes and eachegg has another haploid set. During the process of fertilization azygote with the diploid set is produced. This set will be inherited byevery somatic cell of a mammal, with exactly half the genetic materialcoming from the producer of the sperm (the father) and another halffrom the producer of the egg (the mother, obviously). Thus, the myth oftelegony is fundamentally incompatible with our knowledge of geneticsand the reproductive process. i- p  l. }# X4 c) `- I
  對於哺乳動物來說,每個精細胞都攜帶著構成後代的一半染色體(單倍體》,卵細胞則攜帶另外一半。通過受精作用使受精卵形成一個二倍體。二倍體會遺傳父母雙方每個體細胞的一半基因組,通過精子(來自父親)和卵細胞(來自母親,顯然)。因此,,先父遺傳的神話根本不能與當代遺傳學說的知識和生殖過程相容。2 z" q' u3 X7 X: ?! N3 V; Q. G1 b
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。6 l6 g- s( r9 E9 c6 i D5 z2 i5 C4 B5 h, f
  Still, the belief in telegony persists among some politicallymarginal groups, such as White supremacists in the Western world, aswell as some other racists and/or religious fundamentalists, e. g., inRussia and other ex-USSR countries. For example, some Whitesupremacists may argue that if a white woman has sex with anAfrican-American man and produces a child of mixed parentage, thensubsequently has sex with a white man, the second child will also beborn with African-American physical characteristics.
. q# u% i  g8 E' ?. Etvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇  p# V4 E8 U4 T/ W, @! h; t" Z
, F/ G, Z3 A  z0 r2 S+ o- b7 c
这个理论都没听说过哦~ 科学原理基础上的建立不足啊。。。 逻辑上来说没这回事吧