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[冷知識分享] 螞蟻怕酸味

. c$ L* ~% e, y" p) P& U" G0 O; n! ^( R/ l又厭!; _6 w' ?* I% o
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! s* w1 |8 M1 q; N9 U& n
6 x# {) w  z: h有效的妙招—— 整 粒的新鮮檸檬,對切成兩半,在看得( m. ^" N* l( C6 L, @; R- H# l$ ^/ m
到螞蟻的地方及其動線,擠出檸檬汁,並拿著切半  有果
( ^* Z6 y/ G. o; @1 j; x+ W8 \肉的那一面,沿途塗抹,神奇效果讓您再一次驗證大自然
: e) J5 G8 v# i' m+ i% n! @公仔箱論壇的奧妙!
Thanks.  But I have heard that ants are so clever that they crawl to the ceiling and 'drop' themselves on the food to avoid being stopped.
thank u