first divide it into 3 groups... 4 for each group...0 z* C( U5 |! |$ c0 ]
den use 2 groups to test... if the weight is same... den throw away these 2 groups.. if not... use another 1 group to test with tat 2 groups... throw away the same weight groups...
! _1 l+ s; W, d0 A0 S( ?9 o公仔箱論壇den... left 4 balls...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. P- ^6 R2 i# R
when u use tat 3 groups to test... u oredi know it is heavier or not...
) ?7 v2 t, O, C6 ?) y# l8 J5.39.217.77:8898so when testing these 4 balls... u juz nit 2 find out the heavier or lighter 1...
- E' b4 k, E# J- D, u& Etake the heavier or lighter 1... throw away tat 2 normal ball...
. [/ d e6 o1 Z: V* G0 t5.39.217.77:8898den u juz nit 2 test the last 2 balls...
4 M) V- N" Z+ g% x4 N! _0 Ysame for now... take the heavier or lighter 1... |