Celtics-Lakers, Past and Present
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Celtics-Lakers, Past and Present
Celtics-Lakers, Past and Present
Posted by: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Yes, I Was a Celtics Fan
When I was in high school, my coach Jack Donahue really understood thatthe Celtics were playing the game a special way, so he always used themas examples as to how to play the game. My high school was only 12blocks from the old Madison Square Garden and the teams used topractice at my high school when they were in town. I guess because ofthat my coach could finagle tickets to go see games, especially thedoubleheaders. So during my four years of high school I must have seenthe Celtics play a good 20 times.
当我还在念高中时候,我那时的教练Jack Donahue能够清楚了解到凯尔特人用一种很特别的方式打球,所以他总是在教导我们时用凯尔特人做为例子。我的高中距离纽约麦迪逊花园广场只有12道街区的距离,他们(凯尔特人)来到这里时往往会在我们的高中进行集训。正因为如此,我的教练总是能“骗到”比赛门票,尤其是联赛的门票给我们,所以,在我的高中四年时间里看过的凯尔特人比赛有至少有20场。
The Celtics Style of Play
TheCeltics philosophy was to let the open man get the ball and he’ssupposed to take the high percentage shot. They didn’t have anyonescore a whole lot of points, but they had five or six guys in doublefigures shooting the ball very efficiently. Bill Russell played greatdefense around the basket and really limited any layups that you mightget. The combination of tough defense and efficient offense makes forwinning basketball. I was able to learn those lessons early. I think bymy going to UCLA and John Wooden emphasizing the same fundamentals, itwas very easy for me to make that transition.
凯尔特人的战术在于让处于空位的人拿到球,能够冷静的以很高的命中率投篮。他们的战术中,不会让队里任何一个人得到很高分数,但是一场比赛他们有5人或者6人得分上双,而且命中率很高。比尔。拉塞尔能打出非常好的防守,在场上,他甚至能限制对手在不易察觉的空隙的出手。通过这种高强度的防守和高命中的进攻,他们就能赢得比赛。我在很早时候就被灌输了这种战术思想。从我进入UCLA开始(加州大学洛杉矶分校),John Wooden也一直和我强调着相同思想,对我来说,在场上完成这样思想的转变非常容易。
Meeting the Great Bill Russell and Other Basketball Legends
Iwas in the ninth grade, November or December of 1961. I went to the gymand the Celtics were there practicing. My coach introduced me to RedAuerbach, who introduced me to Bill Russell. They told me to go shagballs for someone who was shooting free throws. That someone turned outto be a rookie named John Havlicek. Also, when I was playing gradeschool ball, we played an All-Star Game at Madison Square Garden and Igot to meet and know some of the Knicks like Willie Naulls, whoeventually got traded to the Celtics. Because of all those connectionsI was a Celtic fan and really appreciated the way that they played thegame.
当我还是九年级时候,也就是1961年的十一月或者十二月,我来到体育馆,当时凯尔特人正在训练。我的教练把握引见给Red Auerbach,Red Auerbach则带我见到了比尔。拉塞尔。他们还要我帮一个队中的新手John Havlicek捡他的罚球。而当我还是个小学生时,我们到麦迪逊花园广场打了1场“全明星赛”,认识人许多小孩子,比如Willie Naulls,这些孩子在后来都被交易到了凯尔特人。因为我从小的这些经历,我成为了一名凯尔特人球迷,同时非常欣赏他们的打球方式。
Bill Russell, the Role Model
Iheard a lot about Bill Russell because of the success of the Celticsand then because Bill had had certain things to say about human rightsfor black Americans. He had some very profound things to say and Iadmired what he had to say and listened to what he had to say. It madea lot of sense. He was about being proud and achievement. Herepresented achievement on the basketball court. We’re still friendstoday. He hosted a clinic in October which I took part in. He set agreat example for young athletes. Here he was, someone who graduatedfrom college and did such a great job in his college career, and wenton to do the same thing in the professional ranks.
'74 Finals, Bucks vs. Celtics
Thatwas a hard fought series. Unfortunately for our team Oscar had anagging injury which limited his effectiveness and the Celtics won inseven. I’m pretty sure the outcome would have been different had Oscarbeen healthy, but that’s not going to change anything.
'84 Finals, Lakers vs. Celtics
The things I remember most about that series was that we gave away Game 2 inBoston Garden when Gerald Henderson stole the ball and tied the game upwhich the Celtics won in overtime. That game ended up being thedecisive game. Game 4 included the infamous clothesline of Kurt Rambisby Kevin McHale. I thought it was a pretty cheap shot. Kurt had nochance of falling safely and he’s lucky that he wasn’t seriously hurt.It was the type of thing that angered our team, and probably provided adistraction looking back. It seems like that was a turning point and itaffected us.
Thenin Game 5, both teams had to battle the overly hot conditions in theold Boston Garden. Was it something that was done on purpose? I guessyou would have to talk to the people who run the ventilation system atthe old Boston Garden, but both teams had to play on the same court.It’s not like they didn’t have to deal with it.