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回復 #361 ljw1982 的帖子

ljw bro also from PP??is like that next time can long pang ur car d..hehe...
原帖由 vicente520 於 2007-10-2 12:36 AM 發表
ljw bro also from PP??is like that next time can long pang ur car d..hehe...
no problem bro....!!but i not always go KL one....:019:
散会罗!!明天在来吹水啦!!:014: :onion14:
good morning everyone.....!!!today n tomorrow is euro champion league day!!anyone got any idea on tonight match???
yesterday.. lose one match:019:  win one match:014: ....haha....the dead TOT..only got a 4-4...very bad....

[ 本帖最後由 ljw1982 於 2007-10-2 08:25 AM 編輯 ]

回復 #366 ljw1982 的帖子

emmm.....u all support MU.....
but i don....i support Roma....
hi..i'm predict roma will tonight..

回復 #253 ed_teck 的帖子

totally agree
原帖由 dudu03010 於 2007-10-2 05:18 PM 發表
totally agree
then bro tonight what is ur favarite??
原帖由 ljw1982 於 2007-10-2 05:05 PM 發表
nobody wan to talk with me...bye
原帖由 benitez80 於 2007-10-2 05:35 PM 發表
nobody wan to talk with me...bye
got man..... but ur prediction is not same me...!!
hey plz...looking to my mess ..i'm jz missing a lose word...i'm confidence mu will win big tonight
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