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[IQ題] 2 Math related IQ problems

I just read these last week.  I hope these are new in here.
5 l) O& z1 P1 H9 a6 c5.39.217.77:88985.39.217.77:8898  y! r! N( L; _0 z; a" k
#1)  What is the next sequence?tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ m& H, P* h4 `- C2 z: e$ h
+ k: y4 j: d8 D1 A9 |  \
     1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221,  ????/ m+ s/ P6 m8 C5 P4 C( v( u

+ X7 n2 K0 M' M7 k#2)" E! _* l% G& k% o' ~9 ^& Y1 M, k9 A+ D! b5 F. f  Y: z
     3129 = 1. g, v$ H0 x* g6 ^
     2581 = 2
- m- M% l+ R! `7 S- F7 E     1111 = 0; [9 A7 {, {! {3 k+ Y
     5983 = c' \! ?5 ]  M
     6730 = 2+ x$ X& ?. Y5 v4 g7 [
     9735 = 1
! @- {; Q; N1 Z: h  o( w) X5.39.217.77:8898     6666 = 4* I* ]+ e8 h& O1 V- K
     8136 = ? h# m6 n) \$ G9 u4 S

" u) }6 i" Q* c: ?0 p公仔箱論壇+ j7 r" j2 j% L! D1 |8 f
Enjoy...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, E# T, Z5 a" X2 y5 b  f' F

9 P* V& D6 o2 ?$ MAnswer will be posted 4/15
dunno ah
The numbers in this series describe how the previous number is formed.公仔箱論壇, \3 H  G3 `6 F+ d) ?2 l8 ?* ~

1 Q0 @- r) }& n$ F  ^8 AThe first no. is f) a7 w0 O' T# J; V: Z
The  next one describe it: there is only one "1", therefore 11
5 t+ z) `8 v- D; X/ f5.39.217.77:8898The next one describe the "11" as there are two "1", therefore 21公仔箱論壇# n- i' P0 J( R( G( W
The next one describe the "21" as there are one "2" and one "1", therefore 1211tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb6 t, v" R, f$ [+ ?* |* ~4 e9 }! f. y
The next one describe the "1211" as there are one "1", one "2" and two "1", so 111221
6 k# i4 H+ I. ^) z, O! RThe next one describe this "111221" is three "1", two "2" and one "1" so the answer is:tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 g- ]- f0 g$ y% S
312211tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( d  q6 {; g7 h0 }( u  F7 Z

7 R" j) L! m) O; B" A5.39.217.77:8898I give up on question two.
question 2 answer unavailable
本帖最後由 gm3stevens 於 2012-6-23 06:56 PM 編輯
& [# W5 y# C5 J+ {; ]5 s5.39.217.77:88985.39.217.77:8898% I$ ?5 z" k% c; L+ `3 S: n
After seeing the IQ question 據說這是蘋果公司的面試題, it reminds me of grouping the left hand side numbers to reflect the number on the right.
/ z( O2 d( M0 B' _3 U2 o( }9 \. W: t7 R% X+ h$ g$ O$ C
So the right hand side number 0 can be represented by number 1
1 c5 f) z) T5 U: v  y公仔箱論壇The right hand side number 1 can be represented by 3,1,2,9,7,5
( r+ T" o# R) }' dTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。The right hand side number 2 can be represented by 2,5,8,1,6,7,3,0
8 k. t+ X6 W1 _- K4 e3 Q1 HTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。The right hand side number 3 can be represented by 5,9,8, R1 `3 a9 y% _% g* t$ G5 n
The right hand side number 4 can be represented by 6
: H) d) f: u0 ~+ H5 p; LNow the question is 8136, check the above list, 8,1,3,6 are grouped under 2. Therefore, the answer is 25 Z7 G0 W8 `4 m$ K

. ^6 Y7 _9 u/ E& L' uSorry. My bad. Someone told me that it is actually counting the number of holes in the given number. 公仔箱論壇( B+ D' ?, Z5 S7 ]4 [1 O, B
There are 3 holes in 8136, two from number 8 and one from number 6 so the answer is 3.- W& T. f! i0 p) V$ H9 O3 @5 I

% F7 \: }9 x7 @8 y5 E4 y, s
% b- u" ?7 M1 f