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Answer is C.  Many people already explained it.  :)
interesting questions
1# wasimasterQ
9 t' H6 X3 E. D" y2 C
1 Z- t" o6 J4 K3 L7 z4 [ it b??
I think is C.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, o: W4 F- I( n
9 Z* s$ t" o" F2 s6 I5 r
Since A & B will have no way to know, and D did not know the answer.
+ E5 _" K+ P* G6 I5.39.217.77:8898
  {3 i$ \4 V0 j7 s5 O5.39.217.77:8898This is a tough question for grade 1.! }- b  t( G! L: g# H0 d7 r

8 b  j" J8 w& a/ Q5.39.217.77:8898I most likely cannot answer it within 5 minutes when I was that young.% E+ l( ~" ~3 o: ?0 x, B
公仔箱論壇' L( C7 e8 I# \7 w
Wow, really enjoy this question.  Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for sharing
thanks for sharing
answer pls...
thanks for good question
thank for sharing
總覺得這類型的題目 都是在考驗"邏輯思考" ^_^, B+ y* `; W- o+ G& d% H% k' [
% n- {6 _0 C2 t" T* ]4 Y" G* ^) F
偵探型的數學題目 ^^
thanks for sharing