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[中式食譜] [中式] 蠔汁黃金豆腐[轉貼]

. ^, p4 I7 J0 h" i& A5.39.217.77:8898公仔箱論壇: f4 K3 O) ]/ ?8 r! L
) ]1 N* S* e7 f1 a  Y3 D7 G1 v

3 _8 {/ H6 n, A1 }% W/ y& V/ |
材料:豆腐 [實豆腐] 2 件 [約 450 克/1 磅/12 兩] [瀝乾及切片],鹽 1/2 茶匙,雞蛋 2 隻 [打勻],蔥絲 裝飾用tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, I& @6 K( {/ q8 X
Bean curd/Tofu [firm] 2 [about 450 g/1 lb] [drained and sliced], Salt 1/2 tsp, Eggs 2 [beaten], Shredded green onion for garnish
製法:1. 豆腐用鹽醃15分鐘,瀝乾。
' [7 G# i" z( G; e4 C. z" ]公仔箱論壇2. 將豆腐沾上蛋汁,放入熱油炸至金黃熟透,瀝乾後上碟。  C( o# ]1 ~8 L+ P; ?: d2 U% x% U$ v
3. 燒熱1湯匙油,下芡汁煮至熱透,淋於豆腐上,飾以蔥絲。 I. U& |7 M" p+ z
1. Marinate bean curd with salt for 15 minutes. Drain.
) q- [# z6 m7 b6 p( u" M( g7 Ntvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2. Brush bean curd with egg mixture. Deep-fry bean curd in hot oil until golden yellow and done. Drain and put on a serving plate.公仔箱論壇) u" j; v6 a5 M" X
3. Heat 1 tbsp oil. Heat through the sauce mix and pour over bean curd. Garnish wth shredded green onion.
  L4 R. f; a6 A1 x0 D. s7 ~李錦記舊庄特級蠔油 2 湯匙,粟粉 1 茶匙,糖 2 茶匙,水 125 毫升 [1/2 杯]
& X2 g6 d2 G" |Sauce Mix: tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) q' A3 s' K# i$ [, t5 c: X6 y! }
Lee Kum Kee Premium Oyster Sauce 2 tbsp, Corn starch 1 tsp, Sugar 2 tsp, Water 125 ml [1/2 cup]