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原帖由 joshlier 於 2008-11-21 10:56 AM 發表


Will bring a Shih Tzu back home this weekend ^^p  ...i call her Xixi

im still new..so got many thing need to learn!! then i can only give her a comfort Home

icic..IKANO i  ...
好期待XIXI  D  相......記得BB時影多D相呀.....因為佢哋好快大....就會唔同樣架嘞......我都好心急呀......
haha...will take more more photo geh!!! do u have MSN?? add me at


coz i have XIXI photo on my display photo ^^p
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2 day left lol...i jou can bring XiXi to new house loo^^p

sorry guys and gals wait so long on her photo

once she hm, im 1st time post the photo here^^)

herm herm..the photo will include me oo

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dobi where r u
原帖由 joshlier 於 2008-11-21 02:07 PM 發表
haha...will take more more photo geh!!! do u have MSN?? add me at


coz i have XIXI photo on my display photo ^^p
原帖由 joshlier 於 2008-11-21 04:47 PM 發表
2 day left lol...i jou can bring XiXi to new house loo^^p

sorry guys and gals wait so long on her photo

once she hm, im 1st time post the photo here^^)

herm herm..the photo will includ ...
原帖由 DOBI 於 2008-11-23 04:15 PM 發表

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回應 jerret87 第 338 篇文章

halo..finally got photo lah...!!

so busy since bring my XiXi back home... need to teach her lah... take care of her lah..

^^ but see her happy i also happy!!!

my onw photo wait har sin^^
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原帖由 joshlier 於 2008-11-24 09:27 AM 發表
halo..finally got photo lah...!!

so busy since bring my XiXi back home... need to teach her lah... take care of her lah..

^^ but see her happy i also happy!!!

my onw photo wait  ...
你實好開心啦 :017: 我近排去咗虛擬股市到玩.....所以較遲先覆到
:017: 但獎金我照派架......:017: :017: :017:
i will post more Xixi photo gah  so please stay tuned!!!
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原帖由 joshlier 於 2008-11-25 09:19 AM 發表
i will post more Xixi photo gah  so please stay tuned!!!
原帖由 joshlier 於 24/11/2008 09:27 發表
halo..finally got photo lah...!!

so busy since bring my XiXi back home... need to teach her lah... take care of her lah..

^^ but see her happy i also happy!!!

my onw photo wait  ...
XiXi is so cute ~~佢易教嗎??乖嗎??

第2張相張報紙係比xixi尿尿 & 便便嗎??
原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-11-25 05:22 PM 發表

XiXi is so cute ~~佢易教嗎??乖嗎??

第2張相張報紙係比xixi尿尿 & 便便嗎??
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