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Over the rainbow 彩虹之上 ( ?! q) N- k* o& T: k4 O" n+ D

# U' e: {: a1 a- }+ DSomewhere over the rainbow, way up high 在彩虹之上,有個很高的地方
5 N& o6 e' E4 ~tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThere's a land that I heard of once in alullaby 有一塊樂土,我曾在搖籃曲中聽到過
' Z- z) S5 r, a3 mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
3 F! x; q  L; i5 G% G& iSomewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue 在彩虹之上的某個地方,天空是蔚藍的
" ~' B! U( `* d" ]! u  IAnd the dreams that you dare to dreamreally do come true 只要你敢做的夢,都會實現
) X2 z' a8 @  m+ N& g7 e3 R
2 f# m# N+ s8 P3 a' J: N: _Someday I'll wish upon a star 有一天,我會對著星星許願
5 n9 @7 D: }2 P* ]! a  d* ?) ?公仔箱論壇And wake up where the clouds are far behindme 然後在雲遠天高的地方醒來
& W) {  S) L* R# m  ptvb now,tvbnow,bttvbWhere troubles melt like lemon drops 在那裡,煩惱像檸檬汁一樣溶化
; k7 D* J, c4 d# F8 I. t5.39.217.77:8898Away above the chimney tops 遠離煙囪的頂端5.39.217.77:88982 N# r# N+ y& x4 A, y2 ^1 F
That's where you'll find me 你就可以找到我公仔箱論壇3 E+ [6 a1 \, H5 B
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。  i* b0 w& O+ R. B7 H
Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly 在彩虹之上的某個地方,青鳥悠然飛翔
) E6 l! C3 \/ B  |7 ^# d6 ^6 w5.39.217.77:8898Birds fly over the rainbow 青鳥越過了彩虹
) K1 e$ X1 _% ?/ B4 ^/ d公仔箱論壇Why then, oh why can't I? 那麼,我為何不能?tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& G3 @& T* R1 K9 f3 a: M6 `& D+ R

( `- G! R* d9 [4 q, n7 x5.39.217.77:8898If happy little bluebirds fly 如果快樂的小青鳥兒5.39.217.77:8898( _3 h( t9 ~* f  `/ q: Z
Beyond the rainbow 飛過了彩虹
" L( W, e* F; h( L' S公仔箱論壇Why, oh why can't I? 那麼,我為何不能?
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# E5 H) {- j- m8 q6 j+ @! }5 [公仔箱論壇謝謝, 繼續努力!
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