之前,丹麥和瑞典之間的厄勒海峽(the strait of Oresund)南部海域附近發現了一尾21公分長的鋸腹脂鯉(Pacu fish),牠屬於食人魚的一種。這種魚類據傳喜歡咬男人的睪丸(誤以為是牠們愛吃的堅果),因此俗稱「切蛋魚」(The Ball Cutter)。
「切蛋魚」原產於南美,主要生活在亞馬遜盆地流域,有強而有力的下顎,喜食堅果,最長可長到90公分,最重可達到55磅( 25公斤)。
丹麥自然歷史博物館的魚類專家亨瑞卡爾(Henrik Carl)說:「這種魚通常對人沒有威脅,但是一旦被咬,傷勢會很嚴重。其他國家已發生過類似事件。」
Rare fish nicknamed the Nutcracker that bites men's testicles as they swim is found in the River Seine
- A fisherman in Paris called the river police when he reeled in the frightening looking fish
- The Pacu is of Brazilian origin, technically vegetarian and can weigh as much as 25 kilos
- Onefound in Denmark last month - swimmers advised to keep their pants on by Copenhagen University professor Peter Rask Moller
- When it turns up in strange places, it is because the owner of an exotic aquarium has dumped one there
A rare fish known for gnawing through men's testicles while they are out swimming has been found in the River Seine in Paris.
The sharped-tooth Pacu is a Piranha-style creature with a variety of nicknames, including 'The Nutcracker'.
Mainly found in steamy South American waters, it is known for gliding below male swimmers and taking a nibble out of their most sensitive organ, sometimes allegedly ripping it off and swallowing it.
The Pacu, which is of Brazilian Indian origin, is technically a vegetarian, but tends to be attracted to male genitalia for unknown reasons
A fisherman in Paris called the river police when he reeled in the frightening looking fish, which can weigh as much as 25 kilos, last Friday morning.
'He sent us an image of the picture through his smart phone and it turned out to be a Pacu,' said a police spokesman. 'It is a fish with a very dangerous bite!'
The Pacu, which is of Brazilian Indian origin, is technically a vegetarian, but tends to be attracted to male genitalia for unknown reasons.
A fishing competition on the river some years ago - today, when a Pacu turns up in strange places, it is usually because the owner of an exotic aquarium has dumped one
There have been unconfirmed reports of fishermen in Papua New Guinea having their manhoods ripped off by the fish.
When one was found in Denmark last month, Copenhagen University professor Peter Rask Moller said: 'All we suggested was that swimmers keep their pants on until we know if there are more of these fish out in our brackish waters.'
When Pacu turn up in strange places, it is usually because the owner of an exotic aquarium has dumped one.
Pacu grow quickly in captivity and, unlike goldfish, will outgrow aquaria, so owners release them into whatever pond they can find locally
'Pacu are commonly kept in aquaria because they are fairly docile, but look like piranhas,' Peter Moyle, a fish biologist, told the Los Angeles Times last month.
'They grow quickly in captivity and, unlike goldfish, will outgrow aquaria, so owners release them into whatever pond they can find locally.'
The Seine is nowadays considered too dirty for swimming in, and police said that the chillier weather would soon ensure that fish like the Pacu would not survive. |