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[Windows] 英文版w7 home premium SP1 如何转去中文

英文版w7 home premium SP1要如何转去中文 ?
*之前还不是SP1时我用过VISTALIZATOR这软件成功转去中文 , 后来微软升级去SP1这软件不能用了

*这个正版英文版w7 home premium SP1是原厂手提电脑一起的 , 我不想升级,换去PRO或ULTIMATE然后安装语言包

*我想在不用卸载的情况下转去中文版 , 所以不想安装任何中文版的W7

本帖最後由 cykwok 於 2012-1-4 02:14 PM 編輯

Yes, this MUI pack works with Windows7 SP1. To install a MUI pack, the best way is Vistalizator. Google it for details. But Vistalizator currently can not work with Win7 SP1. To install a MUI to Win7 SP1 running system, use the following steps.

* Open a command line. CTRL+WINDOWS then type cmd then hit ENTER.

* Type DISM /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:PATH_TO_MUI_FILE. Be careful spaces are required and replace PATH_TO_MUI_FILE with your MUI file location. Hit ENTER.

* Then type bcdedit /set {current} locale LOCALE_KEY. Do not edit {current} Replace LOCALE_KEY with your language file key for example English en-US Turkish tr-TR

* Then type bcdboot %WinDir% /l LOCALE_KEY Replace LOCALE_KEY with your language file key

* Then open regedit. CTRL+WINDOWS then type regedit then hit ENTER.

* Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/MUI/UILanguages

* Then delete the old MUI file set folder.

* Reboot.