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[旅遊景點] 马来西亚→登嘉樓州→炸魚條特產店

炸魚條特產店⋅PAK SU Keropok Lekor公仔箱論壇! u2 w+ r* H8 n; N

+ `! y' Z2 b' L, a7 Ztvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
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& _  c1 W( c) o! ]到登嘉樓一定不能錯過當地的小吃炸魚條,這個以海魚混合薯粉製成魚漿再下鍋烹煮的在地美味,幾乎已經是當地的國民美食,知名度大到連到路指標都會放上Keropok Lekor的牌子,就算你不知道要去哪家店,循著指示牌一定可以找到。這些個魚條店大部分集中在Losong地區,比較知名的就是這間PAK SU Keropok Lekor,店面很一般,但是每天的製作量很驚人,五六個婆婆媽媽坐在走廊下一條條和著魚漿粉,相當忙碌,當然,這全都是手工製作,老闆強調不加防腐劑。因為是新鮮現做,一般人都會等魚條下水烹煮,熟了就包個幾條回家,遊客偏愛油炸的口味,吃起來有咬勁,還得沾上店家特製的辣醬,酸甜味直透心底,常特殊的一種風味小吃,習不習慣看個人口感,當地人可是愛的很呢。魚漿條原則上會做成三種樣子,一個是水煮,稱之為Keropok Lekor,一種是油炸,稱為Keropok Goreng,另外一種則是曬乾後再煎炸,叫做Keropok Keping,PAK SU店裡三種都有賣,想要試試口感的話記得買幾包回去。
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地址: 67-B, Losong Masjid, Kuala TerengganuTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。" X6 k9 A& g, a2 X5 B
時間: 平日8:00~19:00,齋戒月9:00~19:00。
7 W3 N$ F9 C9 _- ^/ B5.39.217.77:8898價格: 每條RM27 R" D2 {$ V, F4 j! h+ }$ w
交通: 搭乘文化觀光巴士(Shuttle Bus)最為便捷,每天運行時間為6:00~22:00,會經過幾個著名的景點如水上清真寺、巴央市場(Pasar Payang)、州博物館與收工藝品中心等,可隨時上下,完全免費。 U6 E. G& a' m2 x+ _
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 Q- c$ M! ~( m, g

6 C. t! t0 V8 k/ S5 R
I know this kind of food you can buy at many place at malaysia....公仔箱論壇  }2 j/ f0 V( q) }
But if u try this shop....u can know what is different...
( r! z0 D1 @/ NTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Cool damn delicious of this shop.....if you take with they sos.....++ Yummy ++
$ `: j) y6 O& ?& x" R% ETVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。If your at Terengganu....dont forget and go buy too !!


  • civicboy1969

I don't know how good or taste is the 水煮魚. I am sure like the deep fry fish more. Of course deep fry is not as healthy as 水煮. That is the reason why the people always said if the food taste good spit it out, that is not healthy.


  • civicboy1969

PAK SU Keropok Lekorwww deep fry fish fingers are really interesting taste. I have try many fry fish with fish and batter only, but this one mixed with 薯粉 should be more QQ. I think different shops has differnt taste, so this PAK SU should be the best in town. The hot sauce is also a wonderful taste to me.


  • civicboy1969
