咁我又唔係話要成個美國就晒我~ 但係就係覺得佢頹~
留心我係覺得個國家頹 我係覺得悶但係唔頹~
As an Asian ofcoz Asia is more for me. I never deny that;] Asia rocks! HK rocks!
btw我唔係岩岩嚟 住得愈耐愈覺 ...
rossho 發表於 2011-11-23 11:16 AM  Well, if that is your "criteria" for judging a culture with a rich history, then I know exactly what type you are, that is just typically the mentality of an Asian FOB - I hope you do realise how superficial those views are. The fact you can dismiss an entire country by what people wear, and jump to conclusions by the state of the roads.
As for knowing where HK is - trust me, nobody in the West gives a shit about HK. People only care about things that are important to them - what exactly is HK's world standing? Hate to break this to you mate, but if nobody knows you or where you're from, then you're obviously not worth knowing. Objectively, it's one city in China. And for 150-odd years it had to be run by white people, yeah that's what they'll think. Time to take a reality check and realise how small you actually are. Don't like it? Then stop whinging and try and change the status quo.
As for going to the US, please... I was sent to New York by my old company for training for 6 months when you were still in school, and have also travelled there. Three times in the last 10 years in fact. Do I love the US? No, but I've learned not to be dismissive about a place I know so little about and I would suggest you do the same.
Oh and don't go to Europe either, you'll hate it even more, here, I'll even give you the excuses you'll use: because in Paris there's dogshit everywhere, there are black people too everywhere in Europe you go, the roads are just as bad unless you're on the Autobahn/Autoroute/Autostrada, even fewer people can speak Chinese to you and nobody knows/cares where HK is either. Crawl back to your little hole in HK as soon as you can, because that's the only place you can survive with mentality like that. |