沒有人喝EVIAN,我見得最多的是Mount Franklin。
- Not surprising given the author is an overseas student - in the CBD people drink Perrier/Evian/Pellegrino and other wanky water
-Crouch-toilets do not exist in Oz, or other western countries, only in Asia
見面how are you, 可能兩個人同時how are you。但千萬別回答fine thank you, and you?一般Local都是Good,yourself?
- I mostly say "good, yourself?" but there's nothing wrong with "fine thank you, and you?" and people DO say that
* 悉尼墨爾本華人氾濫,基本上無英語也能生存。
Not just Melbourne
* 這就是一個全世界歧視印度人的國家
They ARE pretty annoying - and normally I'm not racist.
滿大街的Gloria Jeans, 搞得我一度以為是賣褲子的。星巴克只有零星兩三家,沒什麼人光顧。
-Starbucks used to be everywhere - and then the American head office went into administration, and closed most of the shops in Oz
* 你可以上學在一個城市,住在另一個城市,交通靠火車,沒有地鐵這種先進的東西,澳洲人表示澳洲地大人稀,地底空間不需要利用。
-No funding. They've talked about building a metro system for years in Sydney. |