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多谢分享 ,
thank you very much
thx!好有见地喔  有参考价值!
wowowowo!!!!!!!! }& ]/ q" R. I) i' i- Q
so detials. never seen that b4.
0 D+ u; g2 m) b- P" {: k; athanks
very good the picture....................thanks

回復 #15 MagicAndy 的帖子

first of all......thanks for your sharing!! ....that is so impressive.............what a nice and neat information..........excellent!!....
% j+ J( i+ g. Sthat is very detail........and the informations are so useful indeed......plus u two had a excelllent  prepareation, especially "Andy"...very "small heart" to your gf. .thank you so much....2 x& A( ?  _5 p  W
i wish u guys will have a next trip very soon.........
thank you:onion05:
ging ar!!! u should tell me earlier....><
) e: Z) v- `  N  hTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。i went there last summer, and it suck...cuz i have no idea where am i going, and everyday is kindda boring...
' o: J8 {( j: Hplanning is reli important!!
thank you very much
very detail.... thanks :onion05: :onion05:
Very Good, You are My God Father
thnak you

回復 1# 的帖子

  very good information. thanks