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i thought he was growth up in canada
尤其有一段馬明與一個外國女對話,就是要去挖墳那段' e3 f/ P/ V5 {6 l+ U9 I
外國女用英文講話時,馬明只能回中文TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 u7 x8 J; X' z
蠻慘的, H; M) Y7 S- ]; m0 p# {! K

) L) y8 Y$ b& o0 ^! @# S& [怎麼加拿大出來的明星都...
May be he watched too much TVB soapy in Canada. 佢讀 engineering, 唔驶講大多英文都何以 graduate. Unless you always talk to the local and try to blend in, otherwise many HK students/people still have the HK style chinglish. Ever 曾特手啲English 都係咁上吓la. 反而石修啲英語就好fluent. I believed he is just reading it out from the script [背劇本似的], unlike normal conversation which is relaxing & natural.
Yes, I totally didn't understand why... Since Hong Kong is colonies of British and 马国明 should use english talk to that english lady rather than use cantonese. We definitely cannot aspect that english lady to understand chinese. That's really unbelievable to me especially after 马国明 explanation in cantonese...
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。2 e9 I. j: b5 f# k8 [' ?
有待改善ma% a' q( p; w( o/ u9 o6 D
石修 is Canadian too, he used to own a Window company in Vancouver.
8 Q2 ], Q/ ^, MMost younger Miss HK are from Canada too.
黃子華 & Suzy Wong both are from University of Alberta (Canada)