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Good morning/evening buddies

zzleezz, That is for you
I drink this in Taipei, its still not the same ar....
SweetLemon 發表於 2011-2-7 08:38 AM
Why drink the lousy instant coffee, go get something real good.
km8000 發表於 2011-2-6 10:24 PM
Mariah Carey - Touch My Body

if you run ur mother break a bottle sicker run day boo

i dont know the actual lyrics anymore! LOL
Infinity is the Limit for me
I need to go out to shop for food now. Talk to you guys later
Why drink the lousy instant coffee, go get something real good.
That instant coffee is closest taste to the one in #3515.  This black rich aroma with no milk, can only get in Malaysia.
Mariah Carey - Touch My Body

if you run ur mother break a bottle sicker run day boo

i dont know the actual lyrics anymore! LOL
bchew 發表於 2011-2-7 08:42 AM
Naughty naughty Bchew.....
I need to go out to shop for food now. Talk to you guys later
chowold2 發表於 2011-2-7 08:47 AM
Its 5pm your time, shop for dinner?

Its 9 am here, going out to market too....things wont get back to normal until 15th of New Year.
sweet, no owl brand white coffee tarik meh over there?
Infinity is the Limit for me

successful franchise in malaysia (have white coffee)

end of my new year vacation...back to work tomorrow


sweet, no owl brand white coffee tarik meh over there?
bchew 發表於 2011-2-7 09:27 AM
Have other brand of Teh Tarik....Could you find Malaysian food in NY? Good or Lousy?

successful franchise in malaysia (ha ...
lilitan008 發表於 2011-2-7 09:40 AM
Old is good, Malaysian breakfast, 2 half boiled eggs with soy sauce, toast over charcoal with ice cold butter and kaya (a kind of jam), and black coffee.
end of my new year vacation...back to work tomorrow
blueocean 發表於 2011-2-7 11:22 AM
Enjoy your last bit of vacation lor....
Have some non Chinese music
The Black Eyes Peas - My Humps