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adobe audition is only a try out version, will it be no use after 30 dayz??
COOL EDIT PRO咪唔駛lo, 我地都有得dl呀~
原帖由 black_sesame00 於 2006-12-2 12:24 PM 發表。 
2 O2 ?2 G; A, V9 ~4 S4 Btvb now,tvbnow,bttvb點解有d歌開唔到既?
公仔箱論壇2 w5 O7 X. d/ A0 b" r
有d檔案係開唔到的, 你最好睇下係咪mp3檔先~
I have just downloaded Adobe Audition 1.5 but installation stop at Runtime 9.0. I'm currently using Window Media Player 11. Can someone help please.
請問版主,這個Adobe Audition v1.5軟件係如何註冊的呢?可否教教小弟,謝謝。
thx 4 sharing
9 n9 |5 p6 w+ k: a! T9 R:onion14: :onion14: :onion14:
好好用 好好玩~ 只不過有某一d歌cut唔到...應該係個檔案本身既問題...
. w# p4 k+ O1 R8 t0 _; P$ V" wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb感謝分享~
多謝你.....我搵左哩個programe 好耐喇~!!!
! ?$ I# o: H3 B/ Y9 e# X1 D/ rtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbreli reli THX ~!!!!!
many thx
thank u v much~~~:onion31:
都Download唔到Cool edit唧?系方力申唧嚟架wor~