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he talk like eating something inside the mouth.i think he has try very hard.please give him a chance.anyway he is a good actor.
As a lawyer today, his Chinese accent is a bit too strong. But as a lawyer at that time in Hongkong, perhaps his English is acceptable. I think so far he is okay and let's pay more attention to his ac ... C& D- c" r' n+ m' b# f
kinwah88 發表於 2012-10-24 04:11 AM
$ ~# @% `. i+ D2 r) Y8 c5 |" }3 \+ z1 R) b6 P6 J
agree. but at least he should has a british accent as in he's been studied in england.
我都聽吾明咯... Take it easy....
12# kinwah88 & v1 h7 }' M% L" t; f

- s4 f& [- Q( F! I$ G- sSo you are saying that he intentionally downgrade his verbal English to stay in character for that era?
. c2 s. A6 T) Y* e加油啊 ~~
take it easy. they are just acting. if they can speak very fluent english or highly educated, they would work as professional like doctor or engineers, not an actor or actress except the actor/actress really loves acting.
2# sallytong 公仔箱論壇" @7 `, |  S7 o* R) ]

1 [- }2 i8 W1 g# k公仔箱論壇Really? No need speak english?
I know MaMing's English isn't great but he is very brave to stand there and talk.  Agree don't take it seriously.