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many thanks for  sharing.
Very grateful for updating twice within 12 hours.  It must be hard work and all of our fans will appreciate your efforts.
[中國劇]延禧攻略2018 [55至58集]
非常感謝分享! 謝謝!
Thank you very much for all of your input; your courage, your effort, your effectiveness, your hard work, your professionalism, your dedication and your sophistication in the achievement of this TV program.  This is a very very difficult task.  Your every effort, every hard work, and every persistence have made this impossible phenomenon event become available to us.  You are definitely recognized.  You have all of my support.
Thanks For Sharing
thanks for sharing
Thank you so much!!
本帖最後由 fatboyL2 於 2018-8-22 02:16 AM 編輯

1# seaball0000
Many thanks for sharing!
但欠左第62集, 第69集只是預告片(2min51sec長, 但1.39GB)

>  延禧攻略.2018【58-69集】超清无水印.torrent (156.95 KB)
>  下載次數:483
>  昨天 09:40 PM

Thank you very much for sharing! keep up with the great work!
Thank you  for sharing