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原帖由 brian123 於 2009-1-9 10:30 PM 發表
Once agait use  八倍經驗卡 and
Processed in 35.983575 second(s), 9 queries, Gzip enabled
Processed in 36.718261 second(s), 11 queries, Gzip enabled

Can i get some 八倍經驗卡? :0 ...

回應 hahakl 第 2820 篇文章

thanks a~~

原帖由 hahakl 於 2009-1-10 06:59 AM 發表

Good morning.
the netspeed isnot slow, but many time will happend.
now is the speed very fast, but it happend a few time with 17s.
原帖由 hahakl 於 2009-1-10 07:01 AM 發表

原帖由 brian123 於 2009-1-10 07:08 AM 發表

Good morning.
the netspeed isnot slow, but many time will happend.
now is the speed very fast, but it happend a few time with 17s.
after test then use it's ok
otherwise will waste the card....
原帖由 Harley.L 於 2009-1-10 07:15 AM 發表


oldman cannot sleep too much.....time's up will wake up....hehe

回應 brian123 第 2824 篇文章

yeah, it's vey fluent now..maybe there's a specific period in a day where the speed is fast..
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原帖由 hi_there 於 2009-1-10 07:20 AM 發表
morning, so early bring the knife for what?
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原帖由 hahakl 於 2009-1-10 07:17 AM 發表

after test then use it's ok
otherwise will waste the card....
hahaa, we are together in a map and that happend with me
Processed in 36.424111 second(s), 12 queries, Gzip enabled and just time-finish of the 八倍經驗卡(lucky ). the line is broken(down) with me. is it you same happend?

[ 本帖最後由 brian123 於 2009-1-10 07:44 AM 編輯 ]
原帖由 hi_there 於 2009-1-10 07:39 AM 發表

系統資料緩存中暫時關閉論壇2分鐘! 不便之處敬請原諒!


WALAO... MY card!!CRAZY ...
i am lucky..  just finish with 八倍經驗卡. than is the line broken.
原帖由 brian123 於 2009-1-10 07:43 AM 發表

hahaa, we are together in a map and that happend with me
Processed in 36.424111 second(s), 12 queries, Gzip enabled and just time-finish of the 八倍經驗卡(lucky ). the line is broken(down) ...
my line here not so good, i didnt use card.....no affect to me...hehe