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回復 #1230 jo7878 的帖子

good morning leader, and thz for thelp the in stock,:014:
原帖由 x12345 於 2008-3-28 09:12 PM 發表
good morning leader, and thz for thelp the in stock,:014:
push later when u have chance .. 9) 法國CAC40    .................i go sleep lo....:sleeps:
server so slow~~~~~~`
use 雙倍攻擊卡 just 10轉630級 to 10轉636級

i m still here ga.. just not physically here here... but mentally here is ok too... haha
i was suprise that u joined the family lol... heheh
ng give u love arrr.... save it for someone else... hheheheh :014::014:

i will pop up once a while and see if u can find me... hahah
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-3-27 06:15 AM 發表

wow, you are giving everything away...i want them all....send them all to me
just kidding
alll I need from you is love....
Jo never give me love....in fact, she is so mean t ...

回復 #1233 happyhour526 的帖子

it is fine when before i use the 2x attac card, server started slow when i used it:019: . only lvls from 455-480, and couldn't find any good gear:onion03:
very slow...play 30 min,only 1 lv...
this the slowest server i ever played...it make me mad!!!

回復 #1234 jollybee 的帖子

good morning everyone....oh, my lovely jollybee is here....how are you doing?
you are really good at stock...teach me when you have time


回復 #1235 x12345 的帖子

which card is better: 2X attack, 2X experienc, or 3X experience?
because i just use 3X experiece card


来灌炸1下:014: :014:


回復 #1240 坏蛋小子 的帖子

when are you going to join the back the family ar
haven't see you around these few days....been busy ma
have a cup of tea first:onion14:


原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-3-28 11:17 PM 發表
when are you going to join the back the family ar
haven't see you around these few days....been busy ma
have a cup of tea first:onion14:

:onion14: ...........

回復 #1239 blueocean 的帖子

i prefer 3x exp card, time save you sometime on lvls, if huting, i like to use 2x attack card:onion05: , but i cant use often... poor:onion03:

回復 #1242 坏蛋小子 的帖子

remember to come back


回復 #1243 x12345 的帖子

poor, ask jo for money la......

