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money ar
MP藥水         andrew123         220         送禮         2008-03-21 05:58:19
大型MP藥水         andrew123         120         送禮         2008-03-21 05:58:10

need more pm me .i still have some. family mamber..
the system gave me 100k when i created the new account 虛擬股市, then spend all of them on companies 法國CAC40, Nikkei 225日經指數, TVBNOW 証交所 and DOW紐約道瓊斯

first time play stocks, don't familiar with it, lose like 5k now:019:

回復 #838 x12345 的帖子

just buy in top 4 comp max .untill - 100000. for now buy in the lower price one only max.when u think is high enough ,sell then all n buy the lower one max again.for two week.

回復 #843 x12345 的帖子

i just saw it . u did very good . u r a pro wo.

[ 本帖最後由 jo7878 於 2008-3-21 06:20 AM 編輯 ]
成功贈送給 kingjai 1 個 法神權杖!    騎士好d wo
成功贈送給 hongting 1 個 王者疾靴!
騎士好d啊  那一定要練  升級快嗎
thz for the tips, i will try that:014:
now buy which stock is better
jo7878 wt is ur msn
有什麼好玩啊  股票資金 --> 現金(1000:1):         1000元才能換1元  = ="

回復 #851 kingjai 的帖子

i wanna to know too, easy for chat
hey how to play i dont know ar    teach me
did u register a account yet? if u havent, looks back 2 previous page, blueocean tells how to register

then go to  虛擬股市 and look for | 快速交易 |   購買 to buy the stocks