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虛擬股市 is going to open soon....anyone going to play?


王者之劍 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-21 01:25:19
王者聖甲 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-21 01:24:23
英雄頭盔 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-21 01:23:19
英雄之劍 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-21 01:22:00

原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-3-21 12:35 AM 發表
虛擬股市 is going to open soon....anyone going to play?

回復 #812 blueocean 的帖子

don't know how to play , is that a fast way to earn TVB money?

回復 #815 x12345 的帖子

it's just for fun...like pet
more info here:
it tells how much money the winners get and stuff
i don't think you can play yet...in order to play, your 積分 has to be at least 300



回復 #817 x12345 的帖子

i am still learning....will ask jo later....she is pro
she comes in as fourth place last time


i wanna play:onion03: , ask her how to play later

回復 #819 x12345 的帖子

your english is good...you live in US too?


not really, still have alot to learning,
ya,i live in Massachusetts, Boston

回復 #821 x12345 的帖子

nice to meet you....i live in NY


(^.^) me too, u know where can i create a 虛擬股市 account?

回復 #823 x12345 的帖子

at the top, click on 虛擬股市 and then, toward the left bottom, there is a box that is label as 個人情況總攬
then, there is a line that you haven't register yet, register now.


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