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回復 #791 jo7878 的帖子

i only got a hero's helmet in few hours :019:
opps, i mean 王者 helmet
can i have王者疾靴
i got mp medicine only...:019:

回復 #798 hongting 的帖子

i send u 王者疾靴 later la .i get it for u , now i sleep la.......................:sleeps: .........

回復 #800 jo7878 的帖子

isnt it morning in S.F.? go to sleep now
who want midnight-tea???:onion14:

回復 #802 ddly 的帖子

i want tea and dim sum, it is morning here
原帖由 x12345 於 2008-3-20 10:31 PM 發表
isnt it morning in S.F.? go to sleep now
because jo is a 懶睡豬
so she needs to sleep all the time and everyday la


原來做刺客仲辛苦   成日要+mp  打倒眼又攰手又攰 :019:  

下次轉生都係做騎士:onion03:    希望可以轉生前打齊一套騎士裝備la:onion18:

回復 #804 blueocean 的帖子

she will   when she see the post
支持,因为我已经加入joanne78 寵物家族了。

回復 #806 x12345 的帖子

she is too nice to be angry at me


pretty leader....is tired...must lest abit~