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原帖由 kingjai 於 2008-3-19 07:54 AM 發表
anyone sell 光爆術領悟之書
i only have 2, u can hav it all...

光爆術領悟之書kingjai2送禮2008-03-19 08:37:16
原帖由 jollybee 於 2008-3-19 08:37 AM 發表

i only have 2, u can hav it all...

光爆術領悟之書kingjai2送禮2008-03-19 08:37:16
thanks man

回復 #660 jollybee 的帖子

it's ok la...dragon is strong too
i am so tire from playing pet ...i think i may want to take a month break .....i will come back in a month and maybe you will be higher than me by that time


回復 #663 blueocean 的帖子

oh just get a 英雄護甲
yes   5turn350
回復 #663 blueocean 的帖子

a month off seems nice... i may hav to stop too.. cause i hav to concertrade on my studies... it time to focus on the educational part of life.. soon final is around the corner... :onion03: :onion03:
原帖由 kingjai 於 2008-3-19 09:06 AM 發表
yes   5turn350
bro take ur time... u still have a LONG way to go... haha
i dun like using "asn" i die 4 timess... i totally forgot how to use it... i like magic better... :019: :019:
= =又死
原帖由 kingjai 於 2008-3-19 02:52 AM 發表
有無王者頭盔 ,王者之劍 ,王者之墜,王者疾靴

要啊  還未打到
原帖由 kingjai 於 2008-3-19 10:54 AM 發表
要啊  還未打到
王者疾靴 kingjai 1 送禮 2008-03-19 10:58:20
王者頭盔 kingjai 1 送禮 2008-03-19 10:57:44
王者之墜 kingjai 1 送禮 2008-03-19 10:57:14
王者之劍 kingjai 1 送禮 2008-03-19 10:56:59
嗯 謝謝你先