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原帖由 iamwilliam 於 2008-5-2 12:19 AM 發表

Long time no see la & Can I also get the exp.  cards ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thx all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
成功贈送給 iamwilliam ? 個 EXP藥水!
好耐冇入黎坐坐...... 飲飲茶...:onion14:
原帖由 坏蛋小子 於 2008-5-2 01:10 發表

成功贈送給 iamwilliam ? 個 EXP藥水!
thankyou !! but I want 經驗卡 not EXP藥水 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! THX !!!!!!!!!!!!

回復 #2461 坏蛋小子 的帖子

thanks for helping us   you are a good guy
原帖由 iamwilliam 於 2008-5-2 02:10 AM 發表

thankyou !! but I want 經驗卡 not EXP藥水 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! THX !!!!!!!!!!!!
成功贈送給 iamwilliam 2 個 ?倍經驗卡!
Hi Jo, i already at level 302, now going to 3rd reborn... after reborn i will become 騎士, can i have all the 聖騎士道具 that for my pet? Thanks For ur helps.... thousand of thanks!!!
原帖由 kent8118 於 2008-5-2 11:23 PM 發表
Hi Jo, i already at level 302, now going to 3rd reborn... after reborn i will become 騎士, can i have all the 聖騎士道具 that for my pet? Thanks For ur helps.... thousand of thanks!!!
聖騎士靴     kent8118     1     送禮     2008-05-03 00:54:16
聖騎士盔甲     kent8118     1     送禮     2008-05-03 00:54:06
聖騎士頭盔     kent8118     1     送禮     2008-05-03 00:53:56
聖騎士項鏈     kent8118     1     送禮     2008-05-03 00:53:29

that all i have ... may be other   can help u ....ask around lo..cause some ppl don't read english..good luck la..
原帖由 lieng05191 於 2008-5-1 03:24 PM 發表

cn u gv me 三倍經驗卡??
寵物幣     lieng05191     400000     送禮     2008-05-03 00:58:00

buy what ever u need la.........

寵物幣     iamwilliam     400000     送禮     2008-05-03 00:57:35
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hello,i come already:onion05:
welcome....have a cup of tea first la :onion14:


have a cup of tea:onion14: :onion14:
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回復 #2466 kent8118 的帖子

等我換佐后,sent俾你la :onion14: