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haven't come here for a long time....how's my brother and sister doing


who cn gv me 光爆術領悟之書, 紅寶石 ,復活寶石 and 忠誠之心?
oic.. sp it will stop at 500, but can i noe why suddenly my pet will became like this?
原帖由 lieng05191 於 2008-4-29 10:37 PM 發表
who cn gv me 光爆術領悟之書, 紅寶石 ,復活寶石 and 忠誠之心?
成功贈送給 lieng05191 3 個 光爆術領悟之書!
成功贈送給 lieng05191 200 個 紅寶石!
成功贈送給 lieng05191 8 個 復活寶石!
成功贈送給 lieng05191 8 個 忠誠之心!



回復 #2448 kent8118 的帖子

this is just a special for 聖騎士
actually, when it said "寶寶積聚全身力氣,發起熱血沸騰,寶寶說:怪物翹了嗎?我餓了!"...it is an extra attack


okok... thanks blueocean
Hi Jo, i already learn the magic 復活術 but i cant use it. Can u pls teach me how to use it? Thanks!!!

回復 #2452 kent8118 的帖子

r u want to re-life yourself?
復活術 is only re-life for ur  teammate, it can't re-life for yourseft.
thanks for ur advice... and can i have some 復活寶石, 忠誠之心 and the card that can double or triple up the experience? i wanna reach the 3rd reborn edy... Thousand of thanks!!!

回復 #2454 kent8118 的帖子

雙倍經驗卡 kent8118 10 送禮 2008-05-01 00:36:37
忠誠之心 kent8118 20 送禮 2008-05-01 00:36:25
復活寶石 kent8118 20 送禮 2008-05-01 00:36:18
原帖由 kent8118 於 2008-4-30 08:54 PM 發表
Hi Jo, i already learn the magic 復活術 but i cant use it. Can u pls teach me how to use it? Thanks!!!
成功贈送給 kent8118 2 個 三倍經驗卡!
Thanks Jo.... always support joanne78家族!!!
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-4-29 11:31 PM 發表

成功贈送給 lieng05191 3 個 光爆術領悟之書!
成功贈送給 lieng05191 200 個 紅寶石!
成功贈送給 lieng05191 8 個 復活寶石!
成功贈送給 lieng05191 8 個 忠誠之心!

enjoy:014: ...
cn u gv me 三倍經驗卡??
成功贈送給 lieng05191 ? 個 三倍經驗卡!
原帖由 坏蛋小子 於 2008-5-2 00:07 發表
成功贈送給 lieng05191 ? 個 三倍經驗卡!
Long time no see la & Can I also get the exp.  cards ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thx all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!