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:Q 88 alD..
hai.. ^^
吹水家族变成say hi... hai...etc post...
dunno y so hard to find someone.. :L
:L say hi again...
bak la...
天一.. u still at pj?? :-O
dororo.. pls add 天一 to the family list.. ^:)^
i know.. how come i dunno... everything at tis forum i oso know.. ;P
最快  match a..
最慢  match b..

both right.. den 25x 1 万 loh.. ;P
just put as my 老死loh...

tat post 就快变骂战... mr.fo ask me to handle tim :Q
if wan easy i open for u.. but 2.5 倍
killer... u r killer.. den im james bond
:$ 其实我同天一都吾是几熟...
天一都刚加入.. 再观察下先啦.. ;P
help which side.. i better help myself.. :))
好.. 我出8万...
近排... 家族 all member missing..
so.. dororo at moon festival.. u make a game.. try to 派8万to everyone.. ;))