小飛機 當前離線
good morning 小飛機,everyone 榴槤蛋撻 發表於 2009-8-19 09:11 AM
機機今日遊遊盪 適逢天氣好晴朗 途經課室來探訪 敘舊傾傾又講講 贈佢我煲嘅靚湯 飲咗唔會口罕罕 仍放暑假唔使忙 得閒游水好健康 昅吓靚女眼放光:onion ... Fian. 發表於 2009-8-19 03:31 AM
Good morning MISS and everyone,.... hello 小飛機,..... how is your long vacation? any plan to go somewhere ? Masterking 發表於 2009-8-19 09:30 AM
Good morning Miss732814 Good morning everybody 小劍聖 發表於 2009-8-19 09:44 AM
Good morning class and 主任 而家洗頭化妝 晏啲見 Fian. 發表於 2009-8-19 11:17 AM
hihi 俊朗不凡姣鬆 寇仲~ 發表於 2009-8-19 04:45 PM
Hello 仲仲 ^^ Good afternoon Miss & everybody ~~ 主任 發表於 2009-8-19 05:02 PM
Should be finish the make up and wash her hair,...... more than an hours,........hehehhe But We will wait for MISS as usual,..... By the way, let me send you a power Masterking 發表於 2009-8-19 12:25 PM
Hello 機機 ^^ 仲有 15 分鐘 ~~ 主任 發表於 2009-8-19 05:59 PM
miss, 舊校有包膠呀, 個學生仲好關心你部電腦, 促請同學幫手整 小飛機 發表於 2009-8-19 10:58 AM
你見我成日煮嘢食就知我鍾意煮嘢食啦 因為我根本就好鍾意食自己煮嘅嘢 Fian. 發表於 2009-8-19 04:27 AM