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JJ yr background can find a very rich wife @ china
goldmonk 發表於 2012-2-9 08:19 PM
JJ what background can find a very rich wife@ china?
Y JJ background cannot find NY rich wife ge?
JJ what background ah?
Blk or white 555!!!!
i am going to TAIWAN,
JackyNelson 發表於 2012-2-9 12:14 PM
JN fr TW or CH ?
JN can speak TW dialect ka?
Today 50/50 tips,
5 good walk chicken la

1000 丹佛金塊[-6.5]        1.95


睇波係樂趣 落 ...
JackyNelson 發表於 2012-2-9 12:22 PM
no sure win tip for kimmi, only 4 goldgold, not fair with kimmi bo!!

JackyNelson 發表於 2012-2-9 01:14 PM
dunnooo if superstitious or some truth, there the sayings about bald man r wealthy n short man r wise with wisdom n tips tips
本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2012-2-10 12:55 AM 編輯
JN Good evening
ADTVB 發表於 2012-2-9 08:14 PM
ADTVB also A4 meow meow too  
JJ ... go 2 china for wish
goldmonk 發表於 2012-2-9 01:36 PM
JJ go china 4 what wish...to meet a china valentine ge?

JN so veri veri chok chok chok but so cutie n so veri charm n so wise
kimmi .....

misery98 發表於 2012-2-10 01:04 AM
chooi yee pliz take care of yourself n get well soon
紐約人輸波 我贏$
JackyNelson 發表於 2012-3-23 08:30 PM
yyyyyyYyyyy???!!!! u supporting US/NY or China ka?
wat is w the saluting to chinese flag on u sig????
he playing 4 China now !!!!!
本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2012-3-28 01:57 PM 編輯

boytak1818 發表於 2012-3-28 11:45 AM
boytak1818, is probably a newbie
new kid on the blog, who perhaps is unfamiliar
with the chinese website, n do not read much chinese like kimmi
i think boytak did not mean to irrigate u page, maybe he do not
know he can't just paste emticons only without words...his participation on u page
is most probably a friendly gesture, trying to make some friends
pliz Moderator help him ....he is bankrupt..at beggar status..perhaps
cannot come here play n have fun anymore or maybe in "locked up in jail"
now, cannot play on TVB now....
kimmi consider herself a very fortunate cat, with many friends n moderatora to help n guide kimmi all the time...from a nobody to a Lucky lucky Cat now...thankyou TVB buddies n kind mods
Nobody Nobody But U.....like like like like like like

Nobody nobody but u

Bian Tai ....Nobody nobody but U...
Big  Ball Ball rolling Out...Nobody nobody but U
