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haha...nowadays, i don't think everyone know bill gate, but i am sure mostly people in the world know steve jobs..

anyway, i think the kids nowadays don't know 老夫子 anymore, those know 老夫 ...
wasimasterQ 發表於 2011-11-25 06:37 PM
Steve Jobs n Bill Gates both same generation, both 56yrs old, Jobs with Apple, Gates Microsoft
everyone know steve jobs, cause his picture n story headline world wide of his death eh
but Gates often grace the rich n famous magazines, n believed as one of the top 5 most
powerful n wealthy people in world...

ask the yougsters here i think they can tell u who bill gates is
show the chinese kids a pic of 老夫子, most probably they can tell u his name

which country u from...
lhy92725 發表於 2011-11-25 09:30 PM
so how the work load today
pretty quiet today
guess all gotten attached...
wished u a lucky day eh
that's why i wonder how old is 老夫子?

lilitan008 發表於 2011-11-26 01:30 AM
my guess 老夫子 maybe older then  u papa ...
haha, 老夫子 are very famous on 80's, so i believe all the born in 80's must know it very well,
cause at that age, only read comic all the while and play the rock and "jump aeroplane". .etc..

http ...
wasimasterQ 發表於 2011-11-27 07:30 PM
well let check this tube, n view into the 90s kids

原来如此, 甘送条有肉的鱼卑你啦,拿着

wasimasterQ 發表於 2011-11-28 12:18 AM
gheezeee...am i so veri happi n high 心
Haiz.....that why, the 90's nowadays...dunno what to comment on them.
last time we don't have fb all this thing, the internet still need to dail-up 56kbps only...
actually the parent nowadays also n ...
wasimasterQ 發表於 2011-11-28 12:28 AM
but those 14 n 15 yr old they r just 2 naive...in NY the kids veri mature by around that age
very independent 2
mostly western are more open "minded", and their education are very success, example like most of them won't cheat at least. some more i feel their country's rule are more strict.

Not like asian u ...
wasimasterQ 發表於 2011-11-28 12:41 AM
both school n home education n family values n parents who will devote their time to their kids...not just make money
n provide the kids with only material values, with no heart or time
All 80's oldies
cck_my 發表於 2011-11-28 12:58 AM
ok la i know u 90s ...小弟弟

我是大姐姐 oldies...

小弟弟  mei gai lai d...

                                                                         no watch AV on TVB ok
eeeeee...city cats play play with mice, they oni eat fish...
oldies need 2 sleep oledi 99n88
本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2011-11-29 10:02 PM 編輯

hooi ge busy in office day time
after office hour, hooi ge busy
working at game networks la...
hooi ge perhaps have new network
of liang looi friends la...
nice new pic orchid
where have u been
so long no c wor
how have u been doing

fai gor today BD also don't make an entrance bo
on vacation with the whole family ka

sweet sweet dreams hooi ge, bro cck, n avi
may choy san yeh tip u in u dreams of u lucky
color n u lucky number for tomorrow's win win
betting, lady luck, n auspicious timing to meet
u luck