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原帖由 DOBI 於 13/10/2008 16:33 發表

你是否free to mickey 架??
mic mic #1 & mic mic #2~~hihi

hi~~boss & h2o~~

today my stomach not v. well...didn't play pet ar....
原帖由 edwin10 於 13/10/2008 17:29 發表

。。。我一天半可以看完一部戏 ,还睡够8各小时 +吃饭 +冲凉
1.5day??? finish jo "tong sum 2"????
原帖由 h2o 於 14/10/2008 05:56 發表

no ar.... ....i go eat sth first......

cu later....
....can u see anything?

[ 本帖最後由 wongjj 於 2008-10-14 08:47 AM 編輯 ]
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原帖由 mickeybblim 於 14/10/2008 06:54 發表

i only eat jo...rice noodle...today....
原帖由 dicksonkhan 於 14/10/2008 06:33 發表
y not!i oso  can la!你太差劲了!
原帖由 ckhooi74 於 14/10/2008 08:27 發表
原帖由 cyoong019 於 14/10/2008 08:50 發表
halo..jj..dobi here?
hi~i think she is watching 家好now
原帖由 Geai 於 14/10/2008 08:54 發表
jj   blue wants new look ar    how much will u charge him ?
....his looks quite...good...y ...want new ga
原帖由 cyoong019 於 14/10/2008 08:56 發表

u too far away from her lu
原帖由 dicksonkhan 於 14/10/2008 08:58 發表
y both of u r too slow leh????
...no time...i always...play pet....

she...always...play with big cow.....
原帖由 dicksonkhan 於 14/10/2008 08:59 發表
juz rob him 1st la!hv a lot of $$$$,u dun wan?????
hard to rob his $$$ ...'coz...he'd 2 important girls....n one of them...rob his...interest...everyday.....already....
原帖由 cyoong019 於 14/10/2008 09:04 發表

y u have so much $$ now??
原帖由 ckhooi74 於 14/10/2008 09:29 發表
thanks fai fai~~~

but remember pay me...the one i gave u bor