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原帖由 yang5301 於 28/9/2008 10:15 發表

破军骇客 - ☠暗部队 你想点??
i'm 暗部队長~~我哋破軍駭客從不暗杀人


boyboy & blue ocean 係我嘅target
yang~~ u want to be my target ma??
原帖由 yang5301 於 28/9/2008 10:38 發表

我好像是LVL9 turn 400..
wah~~好高ar...u wait me la.....then we form group & fight together la ~~
原帖由 yang5301 於 28/9/2008 10:40 發表


你做乜 <--望我呀?? ......我d$$辛苦rob番黎gar!!!

你好浪費ar.....用$$买晒分数 ......d $同分對換率是多少ar??
原帖由 yang5301 於 28/9/2008 10:54 發表

......好貴ar d 分 ......

.....u r not professional......打劫要用呢個 -->
原帖由 yang5301 於 28/9/2008 11:17 發表

I am rich back ...
yang yang~~ u r my target now

...r u boy or girl???
原帖由 yang5301 於 28/9/2008 11:22 發表

I am little yang yang so u think me boy o gal?/
Why u me are ur target ??
I been poor few month ar..
oh~~ little yangyang~~ do u want to find a handsome bf ar~~ i can help u bor

....you r rich now so...is my target too~~~your family member all so rich~~ i have lots of target here lei~~~
i go out dinner sin la~~ back an hr later~~ cu
原帖由 blueocean 於 28/9/2008 11:34 發表

yeah....JJ finds new target = I am off her target list now
no!!! i can have 100 targets at the same time!!!

i....really go out la...super....hungry now.....cu an hr later~~
原帖由 yang5301 於 28/9/2008 11:39 發表

U are richer than me..
I think i am off of her target wotr
did u see post#8654......i can have 100targets at the same time ga....
原帖由 blueocean 於 28/9/2008 12:34 發表

I feel safe when I hear you say this
you post your picture at mygalaxxxxxx (forum) la
when you post, I take a look
藍 b~~  pls send me the link~~ i want to take a look ar
原帖由 boy12 於 28/9/2008 13:15 發表

Top 5 target !!
No la, What have I done ?? I'm just a bad boy jar !! I don't want to die yet !!
男b ~~唔洗驚~~ my big bro only teach me rob乾人......無教我殺人架
原帖由 blueocean 於 28/9/2008 13:18 發表
JJ...when you back from dinner, rob boyboy first
rob me later...save the best for the last

I go to sleep now
....i can rob 10ppl at a time.....come back ar blue b~~
原帖由 boy12 於 28/9/2008 13:32 發表

Hihi, loks like G gor gor  is not here today  !  U know how old  is he ?   
Seems like everyone here is 20, and I'm old here !  
I'm not young and rich ! I think JJ can take me off ...
i dun care how old is my target~~i just rob rob rob
原帖由 qqbubu 於 28/9/2008 14:28 發表

who u want to kill
i not kill ppl ga...i only rob ppl ja....