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原帖由 Geai 於 23/8/2008 17:06 發表

why use when hp full
i never fight with other so my HP is full

hey~ i have to go la.....i have to wake up at 7am tmr.... .......

will u online tmr?
原帖由 Geai 於 23/8/2008 17:10 發表

yeah  have fun with bees  
i will  buy lots of honey with me

I like honey
i used up all EXP藥水 la~~
my dragon has 83% EXP ~~
原帖由 Geai 於 23/8/2008 17:22 發表

what level ?
where can i find my level?!

忠誠度: 0 猜疑
善惡值: 0 (渾沌)
狀 態: 生存
素質點: 0 點此取點
力 量:0
體 質:0
敏 捷:0
智 慧:3
耐 力:0
悟 性:0
攻 擊:45
防 御:47
魔 攻:58

HP: 1900 / 1900
MP: 159 / 159
SP: 5000 / 5000
EXP: 83% [ 15001 ]
Here's my little dragon -- Little J

原帖由 Geai 於 23/8/2008 17:27 發表

click 點此取點 to get points

add 2/3 to  力 量    the rest to 耐 力

little j -- 智 慧:3
G gor gor  where r u???
hi~ mickey & miki
原帖由 Geai 於 24/8/2008 11:27 發表
lots pretty girls here bor  
your saving increased........
原帖由 Geai 於 24/8/2008 11:31 發表

why u pay attention to it  
i always pay attention on everyone acct ~~~~

how u gain such hugh amout $$ in a day~~~?
原帖由 Geai 於 24/8/2008 11:31 發表

mic mic   I go out la   c u later  
dun go
G gor gor~~ r u here
i'm inviting somebody to fight with my little dragon   now~~......有d驚
原帖由 Geai 於 25/8/2008 05:38 發表
did u win ?
he / she not fight with me......

i go to a village and get some pts......until a police come out~~ my EXP is 72%...now
原帖由 Geai 於 25/8/2008 05:55 發表
haha  avoid the police
how can i avoid?