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原帖由 maui 於 28/8/2008 13:08 發表

2day cook some special food ....
malay food ma.......
原帖由 jclai 於 28/8/2008 13:10 發表
hi all 靓女好
hihi~~ jclai
原帖由 maui 於 28/8/2008 13:15 發表
not malay food.....is china food & thailand food ...

JJ 2day u want eat malay food ar..??
.....give me some salad la....no meat pls.....
原帖由 rrliew 於 28/8/2008 13:15 發表

is bb and me
who is bb?

原帖由 rrliew 於 28/8/2008 13:18 發表

u cant see me
where is your $$? sent to queena?? $1,7000,000....where?!!!
原帖由 qqbubu 於 28/8/2008 13:20 發表
what topic all of u talking
hi~~ qq~~ let me introduct to u~~

bbb & DOBI~~

all still single ~~
原帖由 maui 於 28/8/2008 13:23 發表

http://i156.photobucket.c ...
v. delicious ar~~ thanks 果然是一流大廚
原帖由 sweet_cherie 於 28/8/2008 13:25 發表
come to visit JJ and baby~
hihi~~ sweet cherie~~ miss u so much~~  welcome back~~~

here's my fd bbb~~~
原帖由 rrliew 於 28/8/2008 13:26 發表

yam yam is come :hahahaha: :hahahaha:
though ah 1 & 4 here.....no need 笑到個口咁大....小心牙胶掉.....
原帖由 maui 於 28/8/2008 13:28 發表
go out 1st , come back later...!!!!
原帖由 manyiu 於 28/8/2008 13:28 發表

喔, 我俾D靚裝飾騙到, 原來係 蛇蟲鼠蟻! 怪之得JJ DOBI 我都要鬧你呀! 嚇得我地咁驚!
原帖由 rrliew 於 28/8/2008 13:30 發表

when u see me have$1,7000,000....  
sorry....should be $1,700,000 (someone told me gar)
原帖由 rrliew 於 28/8/2008 13:40 發表

i dead la
tell us where is your $1,700,000 b4 u die~~
原帖由 ckhooi74 於 28/8/2008 13:42 發表
welcome back~~

your computer or your office's computer ar?
原帖由 DOBI 於 28/8/2008 13:46 發表
仲要陪佢去WEE  WEE呀
我明天再上嚟.....OK.....LOVE  YOU  YOU   YOU   YOU    ...
oh~~ bye DOBI~~ See u~~