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原帖由 boy12 於 19/9/2008 08:11 發表

Super greedy ! me ???  It's not much to him cos he can get back in just a day ! Ask for how much depends on how rich the target is G ma  ?
Hoho, U think how I can get this much ga !!   ...
ic~~ so next time i should rob u $1,000,000

wait for me ar
原帖由 dicksonkhan 於 20/9/2008 14:54 發表
quick  go QQ there rob his money!
ok~ boss~~ rob qq's $600,000 first!!
原帖由 boy12 於 21/9/2008 01:52 發表

U have a dirty mind !
.....G gor gor d mind 仲污過我啦............... ...............
原帖由 boy12 於 21/9/2008 02:33 發表

I can't wait for u, cos u already have a husband !
If u like to rob some $, u should rob someone richer !! I'm just a little boyboy! But I will try to work with u ! hehe
rich ppl not always come to blow water area ga!! u r the top 5 at this area lei~~ so u r one of my targets now!!!!   

TVB: 300596 元
存款: 908114664 元

work with me??~~ good!! give me $1,000,000 sin la
原帖由 Geai 於 23/9/2008 03:52 發表

G gor gor always say...."banana" with qq..... .......
原帖由 blueocean 於 23/9/2008 06:09 發表

G gor gor....no good
you have to be responsible for what you did
yes!! G gor gor must be repsonible to me
原帖由 manyiu 於 23/9/2008 08:00 發表

Yes, here is getting cold. I love snow but I hate driving as I am so scare of that "terrible  traffic"
manyiu has new look ~~~
hihi~~ anyone give me some $$ ar??
原帖由 blueocean 於 26/9/2008 03:58 發表

looks like you and I have some common
both 20
both user ID relate to water (h2o & ocean)
brother, then don't tell JuJu about what I said la
blue ocean~~u gave jo $2,000,000 to who ar??
lots of rich ppl here bor

原帖由 manyiu 於 26/9/2008 08:23 發表

JJ, 我地兩姊妹暫時出去飲杯茶, 食個包先!
haha~~i almost off lu~~i'll leave 30mins later~~

manyiu~~the weather not good today....no customer......in my shop.....i'm so free lei~~
原帖由 manyiu 於 26/9/2008 08:35 發表

JJ 你做乜野工,方唔方便講?  
i'm a part-time sales~~

my boss allow me bring my laptop & also jj back boutique ga ....but i dun bring jj lu...'coz afraid her weewee at shop....
原帖由 Geai 於 26/9/2008 12:00 發表
then u have to buy it  
G gor gor~~ u back la
原帖由 boy12 於 27/9/2008 02:21 發表

火焰幫  二路元帥 = waterson ?
so funny !!
his new name is waterson bb~~~

i'm watching 家好now~~ 鍾嘉欣佢哋成曰幫人改名加bb架
原帖由 boy12 於 27/9/2008 03:07 發表

is b not bb !!
Hi Wong B !
haha then u r what b ar??