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all the guys this family are so kind:014:
today successfullly up level from 1轉 to 4轉:onion05:
why i hav equipped 王者疾靴 but the magic effect time dont hav double??
today juz start kill 2nd monster and get 英雄之墜
now i am a 刺客 in 5 轉,i left 英雄頭盔 and 英雄之靴 to hav full set,
can someone help me..
原帖由 坏蛋小子 於 2008-3-17 04:08 PM 發表

英雄之靴 happyhour526 1 送禮 2008-03-17 16:07:30
英雄頭盔 happyhour526 1 送禮 2008-03-17 16:07:08

thank you very much
continue up level
so sad oo..
until 5 turn 掉寶率 just 49....
always get magic book and no good equipment....
wht is 雜牌軍??
i see their hp and mp all very high
play one and half hr only drop magic books.....
tired...go sleep too...:sleeps:
play whole day finally hunt a 聖騎士靴!!
8 turn im coming
王者頭盔 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-23 15:13:31
lets give to someone who need it
tonight so luckiy,hunt聖騎士劍,聖騎士項鏈and聖騎士盔甲:014: :014:
left 聖騎士頭盔 to hav full set
and finally.....9 turn!!:onion05: :onion05:
原帖由 cowman 於 2008-3-23 09:10 PM 發表

10 turn play 騎士,this turn still play 刺客
wait for collect full set
英雄之靴 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-24 12:46:32
英雄護甲 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-24 12:46:22
英雄頭盔 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-24 12:46:08
王者疾靴 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-24 12:45:50
王者聖甲 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-24 12:45:39
王者之墜 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-24 12:45:25
王者之劍 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-24 12:45:14

now i collect these two sets myself
so give back to 家族 and give to someone who need it
no mood today..:019: :019:
use 雙倍攻擊卡 and  雙倍經驗卡 juz up 30+ lv and no good equipment come out:onion03: :onion03:
原帖由 坏蛋小子 於 2008-3-25 01:31 PM 發表

雙倍經驗卡 happyhour526 2 送禮 2008-03-25 13:28:59
thank you for your support