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原帖由 lhy92725 於 2009-4-19 06:16 PM 發表
Oh~!  How are you Kitty...~?

原帖由 ForeverEver 於 2009-4-19 07:10 PM 發表

yah...is looks very complicated....that's why i can't get to learn it....somemore get scolded by my friends
Yes.., it's quite complicated to get used to play~
I possibly have no potential to learn mahjong..~?
Beside that.., it wastes time and money~!
I'd rather like to spend my time and money to do something else..~ It's meaningful and useful~
Sister Jessie.., what's your hobbie~??

原帖由 lhy92725 於 2009-4-19 09:41 PM 發表
I guess boyboy will not be here for while~
耐心等等~ 話唔定有意外驚喜~

原帖由 lhy92725 於 2009-4-19 11:55 PM 發表


原帖由 lhy92725 於 2009-4-20 12:08 AM 發表

That is why he always gives you guys a surprise..~!

原帖由 ForeverEver 於 2009-4-20 12:21 AM 發表

opppsss....too many things to think???
must be thinking of girlfriend....
Nope.., I'm actually thinking of you..~

原帖由 ForeverEver 於 2009-4-20 12:20 AM 發表

I guess you're coming to see me tim~

原帖由 h2o 於 2009-4-20 12:21 AM 發表

That's right~  Brother!
Do you know the latest Final Fantasy 14 will be released soon on PS3~

原帖由 ForeverEver 於 2009-4-20 12:19 AM 發表

but some people will think that mahjong is a leisure entertainment....depends in people....
i think i don have potential to learn too....better do other things....
don't have any specific hobby ...
We're having the same hobbies..~
You see~!  We're so perfect matched~

原帖由 h2o 於 2009-4-20 12:46 AM 發表

thanks for your points
omg xD PS3 so expensive..... u bought jor meh?
now i just try to dl FF on NDS to play but i don't have so much time to play........ i play chrono trigger recently~~ u kn ...
Oh yes.., I bought my Playstation 3 on last year..~
Hey..~  Water brother.~! Have you heard about the DSi..~?
Is this the sophisticated version of DS~? I meant the lastest version of DS~

原帖由 boy12 於 2009-4-20 03:40 PM 發表

I'm in and out all the time, trying to surprise u guys !!  
It's not easy !! Haha
Mr. Surprise is surprisingly giving you a big surprise..~

原帖由 lhy92725 於 2009-4-20 06:04 PM 發表

Sister kitty~
Are you getting excited~
He always surprise you without any notice..~
You'll get used to it..~

原帖由 ForeverEver 於 2009-4-20 06:26 PM 發表

you are most welcome....long time din't see you...
I'm the most pathetic.....Short time see you...

原帖由 ForeverEver 於 2009-4-20 06:29 PM 發表

boyboy住哪里的啊 也是加拿大
Yes..~!  Jessie..~!
He's from Canada as well~

原帖由 lhy92725 於 2009-4-23 09:52 PM 發表

Nope.., you're spectacular..~!
